Thanks to Tom Smith
For These Wonderful Laurelton Memories

 If you have any photos to share, send them to


I guess it is appropriate to first identify myself.  For 22 years, until 1960, I was 139-58 232nd street. But, rather than tell you folks about my memories, I thought I may help you recall some of yours.

Therefore I have just scanned my photo from the 1949 graduating class of PS 156 and then numbered each student. I must apologize for truncating 1 girl (Marlene Paul) and one boy (Arnold Fogal) on the right side, but my scanner only covers 17".

Then with the synergy of classmates Paul and Alan Frommer and their archives, I have added a list which identifies almost all of in the picture.

OBTW, I'm the little runt, sitting on the end of the first row, #15 and Paul and Alan are #83 and #8 respectively.

........Damn, that was a long time ago.. ;-}

And then as a bonus, who can be without a picture of Mrs Wenhold? Will you ever forget Mrs, Wenhold's weekly Wednesday afternoon, Classical Music Appreciation Assemblies that we all endured? Just click this url  close your eyes and I'll bet you can see Mrs. Wenhold scurrying through the PS 156 auditorium, slapping her ruler to quiet us down.

OOPS, there I shared some of my memories....... Oh Well, that's what this site is all about, isn't it.


Tom Smith Email Address:

Click on the photo to view it in its larger format


PS 156 - Class of 1949 - Click on Photo To View It In Its Larger Format
1 Richard Nocelle
2 Murry Cohen
3 Mark Chesley
4 Bruce Beukman
5 Henry Schwartzman
6 Stanley Davidson
7 Leonard Gang
8 Alan Frommer
9 Joel Karpay
10 Leonard Kleiderman
11 Edmund Drucker
12 Alan Nathan
13 Edward Katz
14 Stephen Rosenthal
15 Thomas Smith
16 Allan Freedman
17 Warren Colozzo
18 Roberta Klein
19 Patricia Schweitzer
20 Carol Brill
21 Joyce Mavans
22 Paulette Press
23 Marilyn Lieblich
24 Martin Spar
25 Harold Reishwald
26 James Richards
27 Veva Ellis
28 Beth Edwards
29 Irma Shapiro
30 Joan Starr
31 Sue Napplebaum
32 Ada Wayne
33 Grace Salvato
34 Helen Murberg
35 Shirley Swain
36 Mr. Ryan
37 Mrs. Weinburger
38 Mrs. Kranz
39 Mr. Keiley
40 Mrs. Kahn
41 Mrs. Fernandes
42 Dorothy Seagul
43 Joyce Harrow
44 Judith Bear
45 Marie Tarrano
46 Barbara Bleak
47 Angela Perisie
48 Adele Silverman
49 Elizabeth Pelini
50 Jennifer Russo
51 Serita Felix
52 Frances Rubinow
53 Annabell Weinberg
54 Barbara Schwartz
55 Marion Sachs
56 Carol Juster
57 Hope Degree
58 Gwyneth Rosenfeld
59 Pamela Rudd
60 Liela Schatsberg
61 Patricia Moore
62 Muriel Liebenson
63 Linda Spillet
64 Jill Bergman
65 Annette Builder
66 Cora Shertsman
67 Janice Kerman
68 Joan Puni
69 Barbara Leggman
70 Not Identified
71 Patricia Freedman
72 Rebbeca Schissel
73 Arlene Fishman
74 Dorothy Ernst
75 Joan Smith
76 Not Identified
77 Not Identified
78 Deborah Halpern
79 Rena Cohen
80 Betty Jensen
81 Sheila Schiffman
82 Ellen Moss
83 Paul Frommer
84 Gary Warner
85 John Hagen
86 Bruce Packi
87 Donald Coppola
88 Monroe Strauss
89 Laurence Weinroth
90 Robert Hess
91 Bernard Milowitz
92 Robert Arnold
93 Fredrich Blank
94 Edward Santos
95 Henry Gore
96 Michael Levine
97 Leslie Schiffrin
98 Alan Nachamie
99 Leonard Wasserman
100 Philip Saucer
101 Laurence Kornbluth
102 Bruce Bleak
103 David Lippner
104 Gary Dischel
105 Alan Waters
106 Charles Bloomgarden
107 Martha Moses
108 Phyllis Alias
109 Edith Levine
110 Jean Sanders
111 Anita Katzoff
112 Eleanor Fochi
113 Louise Horowitz
114 Sue ?
115 Leah Vogel
116 Not Identified
117 Gail Mahafey
118 Barbara Getts
119 Alfett Horton
120 Irma Schidlinger
121 Elaine Weiner
122 Anna Sangiorgio
123 Eleanor Richards
124 Gail ?
125 Ellen Saplo
126 Patricia Fantel
127 Norma Feldman
128 Not Identified
129 Lillian Kesselman
130 Judith Volet
131 Charles Weist
132 John Marr
133 Robert Mahon
134 Joseph McAuly
135 Peter Conforti
136 John Austin
137 Robert Fink
138 Not Identified
139 Werner Buckner
140 Bruce Soloff
141 Martin Hason
142 John Buckley
143 Dennis Mahon
144 William Bach
145 Buddy Jacobs
146 Bernard Zlotnich
147 Bruce MacDonald
148 Miron Liebo
149 Laurence Gitten
150 Eugene Gertler
151 Emanual Gold
152 Richard Newman
153 Jason Bolen
Cropped from the Original Picture
82A Marlene Paul
106A Arnold Fogel
Mrs. Wenhold

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