Adler, Arnie - - Elmont Memorial H.S. - Class of
Currently living in the Bronx, NY. Website:
Adler, Janet (Conti) - - The Highland
School - Class of 1971
Currently living in Niskayuna, NY. I would love to hear from old friends from
222nd Street.
Agin, Gary - - GED - Class of 1974
I used to live at 137 -14 228th St. from 63-74, and from 58-63, the other side
of Merrick Bllvd., fourth or fifth house from the church .
Angel, Rita - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in Beverly Hills, CA. Laurelton, just the idea of it, stirs up
such a mixture of emotions. It is the place I grew up - with 5 siblings (moved
in:1955, left 1977).In those years, it went from being the greatest of places to
live to nearly a ghetto in the late 70's and shaped who I became. The small town
feel of it was so amazing in the 60's...and I had incredible experiences and
good friends, but then in the 70's that all changed, and gangs tried to burn our
home down and just walking on Merrick became unsafe. I want to remember those
early years when Laurelton was at its heyday and the love of the 50's and 60's
was very present on the streets where I lived. I lived right at 225th & Merrick,
yes - next to the Chinese Restaurant that everyone knew. Ah - those were some
good times. If you remember me, email...would be nice to compare stories.
Antell, Gerry - - Baldwin H.S. - Class of 1976
Hey everyone....I lived on 230th, 2 blocks away from Merrick and Stanley's
(Irving Rausch for those who really knew who Stanley was). PS 156: 1966-1970 IS
59: 1970-73...moved to Baldwin in Jan. '74. Best memories of my childhood are
from Laurelton....great place to grow up, hop on your bike, play punchball in
the street and yell "CAR" every 5 minutes. Currently living in Scarsdale, NY.
Antin, Bernard - - Yeshiva of Greater
Washington - Class of 1975
I'm currently living
in Southfield, MI. We lived at 130 35 225th St. My parents purchased their first
house in 1956 for $14 or $16k I was born in 1958 and brother in Dec. 1959. I did
not go to public school but attended Yeshiva of Central Queens and 9th grade
Yeshiva HS of Queens. We left in 1972 for Silver Spring, MD where Mom and Dad,
May they live and be well till 120 still are.
Short version after graduating in 1975 I returned to attend Yeshiva in Forest
Hills and later the Lower East Side, obtain a degree in Counseling in 1983 from
LIU, Ordination as an Orthodox Rabbi in 1984 and taught at Topuro College till
1991, a year in Cincinnati, OH then to my wife's hometown, Detroit MI, where we
live currently. Along the way got married in 1983 and began my second career as
an attorney with Law School in 1993 and entering the profession in 1997 and been
practicing ever since.
OK, Laurelton was a place in the 1960s that one does not see often anymore; a
small town feel
within an urban setting all the stores folks mentioned like Tony's barbershop or
Zickermann's or
our neighbors who owned GOOD FOOD on Merrick. Who could forget Stanly's! {I was
so afraid of his
dog} Or the ride in Woolworth or name the store {except maybe the bar on the
corner of 226th and
Merrick} and memories flood in. The business owner all knew your parents and
therefore you did
not dare pull anything and catch heck back at home. My parents first went to the
Jewish Community House but latter switched to Laurelton Jewish Center where I
joined Troop 225 and had my Bar
Mitzvah in Jan 1971. Playing in the street dodging vehicles etc., stuff my
Michigan nieces and
nephews cannot relate to. Laurelton has undoubtedly changed and may never be
again but as long
those of us who remember Laurelton of our childhood still lives and thrives.
Atlas, Francine (Bogdanoff) - - Would
have gone to Springfield Gardens - Class of 1973
Currently living in New York, NY. I attended PS 156, JHS 59 and then went to
Springfield Gardens HS - I left at the end of 9th grade when my family had to
move (we had a fire in our home that destroyed it - we lived at 137-38 225th
St). Any old friends out there?
Atlas Larry - - Lawence H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Roslyn Heights, NY. Attended PS 156, then The Isaish Day
School (housed at LJC) Moved to North Woodmere, NY in 1973 and continued at The
Brandeis School in Lawrence for 9th and 10th Grade. Graduated from Lawrence HS
in 1976. Attended Queens College. Due to poor health and the sudden passing of
my father (David) in 1981, finished school and worked for Atlas Floral
Decorators, Inc. as Chairman/CEO until retiring in 2005 again to poor heallth.
Married in 1998 to Marcia Sclushelberg (from Fresh Meadows) living in Coral
Springs, FL. Moved to Roslyn Heights, LI with her two daughters; Arielle, 20 and
Chelsea, 17. Have been very busy since retirig from business. Active in our
synagogue in Roslyn, attend classes at CW Post (Hutton House Lecture Series) and
local East Hills JCC. Have had contact with Jeff and Howie Borowick, Scott
Zecher and Joel Katz. We spend the winters in Pompano Beach, Fl.. My most
special memories of Laurelton were the close-knit and very special community,
the LJC, Boy Scouts, Little League Baseball and Basketball in my backyard, where
my friends were the "Starting-Five" for the "NY Knicks!" I have met Rabbi Barry
Konovitch from the LJC in Florida. Does anyone remember him, 6ft 4 inches,
stunning, red Corvette and motorcycle and stunning wife! My cousins, Allan
Atlas, Francine Atlas, Robin Atlas, Elliot and Elise Atlas are all in NY except
Allan who hs been in Fl. for nearly 30 years! My other cousins, Allen, Lynn and
Wendy Atlas are all spread across the USA.
Atlas, Wendy (Sawyer) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Chandler, AZ. Does anyone really know what happened to
Roberta Deutsch?
Barouch, Jeffrey - - Springfield
Gardens, H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living
in Mevasserret Tzion, Israel. Glad to be aboard. This is a wonderful site,
and keeps me linked to my precious years in Laurelton. Thanks Skip
Baruch, Elisa (Malkman) - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1970
I lived in Laurelton from 1952 till I left in 1974 and moved to Richmond, VA
(where we currently live) with my husband Rich. (also a Laurelton guy). We have
2 daughter. I had a sister Barbara and a brother Alan. I was lucky to have my
whole extended family live in Laurelton too. I lived at 135-19 228th Street. My
"hangouts" changed from year to year. We started at the Library, then moved to
the the "dog house" then Burt and Dave's. When we were able to drive we hung out
at the bowling alley in Green Acres. Growing up in Laurelton was wonderful. This
past year Rich and I went back to our old houses. If anyone has some memories to
share with me please email me. I would love to hear from you. Elisa
Basher, Richard - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class
of 1971
Currently live in my own (paid off) 2 bedroom condominium, in Ft. Lauderdale, on
the 4th floor of a 5-story building, with a wonderful view of a man made lake,
which meanders all the way to the Everglades. Sometimes on a crystal clear night
from my terrace, one could have sight, (via the moon light shinning on that man
made lake) of an alligator chomping on a scrumptious duck dinner (or someone's
pet). Work for Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Miami, FL.
Bauman, Ann - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Potomac, MD.
Beckerman, Sheri (Weisz) - - H.S. of Art
and Design - Class of 1972
Currently living on Long Island. I began P.S. 156 in kindergarten with Mrs.
Robinson and graduated from Mrs. Marjorie Nicholas' fifth grade class in 1965.
My favorite teachers at I.S. 59 were Mrs. Josephine Green, for science, and Mr.
James C. Morris, an extraordinary English teacher. Mrs. Green made science fun
and Mr. Morris turned me on to writing - and making puns. I lived on 231st
street from 1959 until 1972 when my family moved to Flushing. I remember being a
"walker" in P.S. 156. And living walking distance from the Laurelton Library,
too. I remember walking to Green Acres shopping center on Memorial Day while I
was in high school and all the stores were closed for the holiday, but the movie
theater was open so I went to see the Beatles movie Let It Be. I will always
remember the teachers' strikes - a short one when I was in the 7sp class and an
extended one at the beginning of the 9sp. That was a life altering experience.
The friends I remember best from P.S. 156 and/or I.S. 59 are Helene Englander,
Shelly Passo, Jody Book, Adrienne Taylor, and Kathleen Kelly. Other Laurelton-ites
I've run into in recent years are Sharon Zeleznik and Linda Chorust.
Behar, Richard - - Graduated from H.S. in Florida -
Class of 1979
I lived in Laurelton from August 1966 till September 1972. I went to PS 176 from
kindergarten till 5th Grade. My address was 128-66 238 St. What fun years those
were! Sled riding in the winter from the side of the bridge that took you over
the Belt Parkway into Nassau County. Green Acres Shopping Center for shopping
and Friendly's Ice Cream Shop. I'm sure I am much younger than most here on this
site but many can relate how nice it was growing up in Laurelton.
Bellis, Glenda - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class
of 1970
Currently living in Voorhees NJ. Just found about this website; it is wonderful.
Laurelton was the best place to live, so many wonderful memories.
Berger, David - - Valley Stream North H.S. - Class
of 1974
Currently living in Port Jefferson Station, NY. Went to PS176 and IS59. Would
have graduated Jackson in 1973 but moved to Valley Stream in 1969. Older
brothers Charles (Jackson 1967) and Renny (Warren) . Lived on 125th St. and
Francis Lewis. Lots of stickball. Lots of trouble at LJC with Johnny Drexler,
ended up we weren't allowed there at the same time! My memory's shot but some
names from the past, Paul Klaidman, Susan Resnick, Bobby Horowitz, Bobby Rigsby,
My cousin Kenny Kaplan (moved to Jersey early), Carol Strom, Abbey Gotbaum, Hank
Greenberg, Ernie Lay, Jay Kates are familiar. 125th St.was a great block to grow
as boy, Played sports all day long until Mom opened up the door and yelled
"dinner time". Parents never knew where we were and never worried about it.
Times have changed!
Berger, Robert - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Lake Havasu City, AZ. Growing up in Laurelton was full of
Berkowitz, David - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently residing in Woodcliff Lake, NJ.
Bialstock, Harriet (Dorfman) - - Half Hollow Hills East H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently residing in Oyster Bay, NY
Blenner, Chuck - - Stuyvesant H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Jackson, NJ. Looking for classmates from I.S. 59, 1970-72.
Blumberg, Michael - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Rockville, MD. I was one of those kids who actually lived in
Rosedale but was bused to P.S. 156. I, like everyone else, have great memories
of the good ole days. Our teachers, the school yard and Merrick Rd. Carmine's
Pizza and the movie theatre. My three best friends to this day are my Laurelton
and Rosedale buddies I grew up with. That's a fifty year friendship. Hello to
Blumenthal, Andrew - -
Benjamin N. Cardozo H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Wolvertem, Belgium
Brack, Ron - - Commack High School North -
Class of 1974
Currently living in East Northport, NY. My parents, my 3 brothers and I
lived in Laurelton, 135-04 228 St. from 1960-1969. We attended PS 156,
IS 59 and my brothers went to Jackson High and the new Springfield
Gardens High School. When we moved to Long Island, I was still to young
to go to high school. Lauelton was a fanastic place to grew up. We lived
2 blocks from the school yard, always a game to be had. 2 blocks from
Merrick Rd., were anything could be had. Our neighborhood was surrounded
by kids and friends everywhere. One was never lonely for company. Some
of my friends were Gene Modest (RIP), Kenny Schwartz, Billy Gazerro,
Hank Greenberg, Todd Herold, Marila Malkman, and many more, I am sorry,
I just don't have a very good memory. But I do remember that Laurelton
was the happiest part of my childhood. Thanks for the site.
Brautman, Beth (Berman) - - Baldwin H.S.
- Class of 1973
Currently living in Setauket, NY. What a great childhood I had in Laurelton! I
speak often to my "oldest best friend" Robin Fader. Would love to hear from my
old pals. -Beth
Bravin, Renee (Courage) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. Class of 1971
Need to hear from
more graduates of SGHS Class of 1971.
Bridges, Michael - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1972
Hello all graduates of 1972. I'm currently living in Somerset, NJ. Great to see
a site up for the school. Anyone know the whereabouts of Vassana Lightly? Please
tell her to contact thru my email. Thanks.
Brown, Eric - - Forest Hills H.S.
- Class of 1971
Currently residing in Valley Stream, NY. Lived with Grandma and Grandpa
at 130-11 229th St. from 1964-1966, but always visited before and after.
Went to PS 156 for 5th and 6th grade, and JHS 159 for 6 months before
moving to Kew Gardens. Born in 1953. My brother, Jordan is 4 years
Bruckenthal, Steven or - JHS 59 - Class of 1971 - Cardozo H.S. - Class of 1974
Skip, What a pleasure to find this gem of a site. Born, raised and schooled in Cambria Heights, 120-19 225 Street, I graduated PS 176 in 1968. But life did not really start until I went to IS 59 (when we started it still was JHS 59), and I met the residents of Laurelton, that turned into the friends and people that have molded me into the person that I am today.
Throughout my life, people tell me about the friends that they made in high school, or relationships forged in college. When I tell the stories of my adolescence, I tell the tales of Laurelton. Basketball, dancing (grinding) , stick ball, drinking (sorry mom), football at Alley Pond Park, sneaking through windows, (sorry to all the dads who now have daughters).
Cambria Heights, had great friends and great relatives. The 5 Bruckenthal/Kleidman BOYS...My brother Eric (Ric), the elder statesman of the clad, was 3 1/2 years my senior. The first in the family to wear the colors (Officer) of the school crossing guards, does it surprise any of us, that he is today the Chief of Police in Suffolk County. And all the boys followed in his foot steps, well as crossing guards and officers at least. Paul, Carl and Larry (Yogi) Kleidman, our three-first cousins, raised 4 houses down, all went through PS 176 and JHS/IS 59. I was right there in the middle of group...Cambria was the world to me...But then came 59!
Was I book smart, or as I insist, were the challenges of 59 more about getting us out alive...7SP2 and 9SP2 came calling...What did I know, I answered...What evolved were best friends, best romances, best experiences....We were black, we were white. We were Jewish, we were Catholics. We were male we were female. We would ride our bikes from Cambria Heights, the three miles to 156 and spend the day until the sun was long past gone in Laurelton. Our parents didn't know where we were, it was a time before cell phones, before concerns of what could happen, we were naive, and we were so very happy. First kisses, first sips, first of many things.
The summer of 1971, the year that we graduated from IS 59, a great year. A better summer...But what happened. I come home from camp, and it was a changed environment. Where did everyone go??? It was as if, all of my friends had moved away in two months...It was, as we know now, but in 1971 I had no idea, Andrew Jackson, and Springfield Gardens High Schools, were looming, and most of our parents had other ideas. Thus, the WHITE FLIGHT, that ended best times of my life. My Jackson career ended before it started, private school called, and soon we too took flight.
I go back to the old neighborhood, and think about the best times, the best friends, best girl friends. Where are they now...You try to stay in touch, a visit on the weekend, a college weekend, but we all went our separate ways. Other then my family, I have lost you all...Well except Chris Policano, who we've been trying to lose for years! Where are you now, my best friends, my allies, my partners in crime and sport. My true loves! I hope that life has been great to you all, and that my worse fears (you know who you are) did not come true! This will be in alphabetical order, but you know where you really stand on the list! This is even more appropriate that I write to you today. Today, my son, turns 14. He too has just ended his Middle School years, and as he enters high school, I see and I know, that his friends will be with him for life. I am so jealous!
David Abrams, Eric Alperin, Lori Chozick, Mindy Chozick, J.Scott Chroman, Gary Eisenberg, Paul Ehrlich, Susan Feilich, Andrea Friedman, Hank Greenberg, Laura Glass, Godfrey Headley, Jane Hockman, Jody Kleinman, Andre Kloetz, Andy Krugman, Keith Lyons, Amy Margolis, Rhoda Meserole, Michael Moskowitz, Wendy Orshan, Kenny Perlmutter, Michael Rauch, Mona Rosenberg, Carolyn Russoff, Elaine Salerno, Wendy Spero, David Zuber
Steven Bruckenthal Email Address: IS 59 Class of 71
Buchanan, Alexander - - Bowne H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Savannah, GA.
Chaison, Sandra (Chaison-Kaye) - - Saguaro H.S. (Tucson, AZ) - Class
of 1970
I attended PS 156 K-6 grades, "graduating" in 1964. We moved to the Wild West of
Arizona, and I have lived in the west ever since. There is still a kernel of the
New York girl buried deep, and once in awhile it shows up!
Chasin, Steven -
- Herricks H.S. - Class of 1973
Currently living in Manhasset, NY. My good Laurelton memories and friends are
too many to mention. Our family moved from Laurelton in 1969. I graduated from
P.S 176 and JHS 59. If you remember me, I'd really like to hear from you.
Chorost, Barbara (Pace) - Andrew Jackson H.S.
- Class of 1970
Currently retired in Florida (The Villages) and loving it.
Chorost, Linda (Jankowitz) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1972
It is great reading all about Laurelton. I lived on 227 St. and 135 Ave. My
father had an upholstery store on Merrick Rd. next door to the barber shop. I
went to P.S. 156; I.S.59 and went to Springfield Gardens H.S. for 2 years until
we moved to Bayside. Some of my friends names were Trudy (I don't remember her
last name) and Lauren Thurm. I would love to know what happen to Sandy Levin,
The Silvermans. My friend Merri who lived next door from me in Laurelton, now
lives in the same area as me. I remember Pam Shapiro, Mark Eisenberg (I had his
mom for a teacher). I wonder what ever happened to Rita Frank. I remember
the year of the teachers strike and we had classes in someone's house.
Chozick, Lori - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently residing in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Clement, Ronald - - Andrew Jackson
H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Charlotte , NC
Cohen, Amy (Eskenas) - - Northport High School -
Class of 1976
Currently living in Calimesa, CA.
Cohen, Lori - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in East Northport, NY. I have only good memories of
P.S.156, Tri-Community jhs 231, and of course, SGHS. I have old
yearbooks and even diaries from my teenage years in Laurelton and
Rosedale which I have actually shared with my students--the best
English/social studies lessons ever! I keep in touch with a very special
handful of people from my childhood. Thanks to all of you who create
these web sites!
Cohen, Louis - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Holtsville, NY.
Cohen, Rebecca (Phillips) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in Great Neck, NY. It’s great to be a part of this site-feels
like a part of history. Thanks. So many familiar names and faces-I remember them
better than people I met last week. I think Stanley’s dog has made me shy away
from German shepherds forever. You may know me better for my mom, Mrs. Cohen,
math teacher at JHS 59- or my sister Louisa Cohen (Jackson ’68) who passed away
about 7 years ago. Some of the late 60’s posting were also familiar names as her
cohorts. Since I am local, I can tell you that the LJC is now a church-but the
Jewish star remains. I wonder if all those “secret passageways” are still there.
Would love to hear from people. Life overall has been pretty good-great family-3
grown kids- working as a legal nurse consultant.
Columbo, Greg - -
Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1975
JHS59 class of 1971 and Andrew Jackson High School, class of 1975. Now
residing in Palm Harbor, FL and Hiawassee, GA.
Columbo Richard - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Brandon, FL.
Cowen, Ron - - William
Cullen Bryant H.S. - Class of 1974 - Updated June,
Currently living in Silver Spring
, MD. This is Ron Cowen, then known as Ronald Cowen, who lived in Laurelton from
birth through 1970. Lived at 226-41 129th Ave , just beyond the "circle" at 226
and 129th ave. Sister is Elaine Cowen, four years older, who graduated from
Andrew Jackson. We both went to P.S. 132 (I graduated P.S. 132 in 1968) and went
on to J.H. 59. Classmates at P.S. 132 and J.H. 59 included Stuart Bitterman,
Albert Grant, Ronald Clement, Gary Rosenblatt, Keith Rosen, Beryl Leonard,
Malcom Major, Robin Ugelow, Bruce Mogul (or Mogle), Robert Schless. Contact me
at Am now a science reporter writing for The New York Times,
Scientific American, U.S. News & World Report and National Geographic.
Cutler, Laurie (Carasso) - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Revere, MA.
Davis, Janet (Nidetch) - - Springfield Gardens H.S.
- Class of 1972
Currently living in Parkland, FL.
Delson, Jonathan - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. /Henley School - Class of 1971
I grew up at 138-31 229th Street, with brother Marty, and sisters Susie
and Niki. Now living in Upstate New York, near Woodstock, and own a PC
related busines. I hope to possibly hear from some "old" friends, and
maybe share some memories.
Web site:
DeMarinis, Jan - - Hunter
H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Fort Bragg, CA.
Diamond, David (Dave) – – Bellmore Kennedy H.S. – Class of 1976
Currently living in Avon, CT. I lived in Laurelton from ’63-’70 on the corner of FLB & 126th Avenue. Attended PS 176 for 6 years (K-5), followed by Isaiah Day School for 6th grade in ’69-’70, before moving to Merrick, LI. Family belonged to LJC from ’66-’70. Reunion for anyone who EVER attended Isaiah Day School is being planned for spring or summer 2020; contact me for info. Would love to hear from anyone whose path crossed mine in Laurelton.
Dichter, Barry - - McBurney School for Boys
Currently living just north of Austin, TX (Round Rock). Left Laurelton in summer
of 1969 for Manhattan. Six years in the Navy from 73-79 & served during the
evacuation of Vietnam. Work as a Quality Engineer in the Contract Manufacturing
industry focusing in medium voltage, power distribution enclosures powering chip
manufacturing plants (INTEL & Samsung...). Still in touch with many from the
Laurelton days via Facebook. Our block - 125th Ave between FLB & 233rd St
is easily the most represented of all blocks in Laurelton with 24 of the 36
houses connected via FB. No brag, just fact. Play guitar (Classic, Rock & Blues)
1-2 nights a week. Played with Pinetop Perkins, James Cotton, & Jack
Newhouse (original bassist for SRV - prior to the Tommy Shannon era). I have
worked as a chef, business owner (14 years) in the electronics Industry and have
traveled the world and sailed in five of the seven seas. It's been a wonderful
life full of self-introduced speed bumps. Brother (Steven) & sister (Carole) are
both graduates of AJHS in the 60s.
Drexler, Jonathan - - JFK Bellmore H.S.
Currently living in Seaford, NY.
Dreznin, Ed - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1975
Currently living in North Easton, MA.
Dringus, Steve - - JFK H,S.,
Willingboro, NJ - Class of 1974
Currently living in Willingboro, NJ. Moved from Laurelton to Willingboro, NJ in
June of 1966. Went to P.S.132 through 4th grade. Was friends with Jim Connell,
Todd Herold, Craig Casey, Steven Jacobson and Tom/George Hubert. Remember
stickball in the PS 132 schoolyard, Bob's Delicatessen, and the water/ice place
on Merrick Rd.
Eastman, Valerie (Ensinger) - - Palm Beach
Gardens - Class of 1979
Moved to Florida
in 1972. Currently living in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Any
more pictures from the early 70's would be greatly appreciated! :)
Thanks for all your hard work, Skip.
Edwards, Dennis - -
Stuyvesant H.S. - Class of 1978
Currently living in Washington, DC. I lived on 232nd street (across from Ellen
Marshall and Julie Naftal -- old friends who are on this site!). My family moved
there in 1972 and my younger sister still lives in the house where we grew up.
Ehlin, Gail - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
I lived on 231st St and walked to PS 156. So many years have passed, so many
memories. I am now in Coral Springs, FL by way of NH. Been here for 15 years.
Would love to hear from anyone who might remember me. If anyone knows the
whereabouts of Janet Davis please let me know.
Ehrlich, Jeff - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1972
Curretly living in Baldwin, NY. Moved to East Meadow and cummuted my
senior year. Can't forget those memories.
Eisen, Richard -
- Pittsfield H.S. - Class of 1974
We moved from Laurelton in 1966 and moved to Pittsfield MA. I went to 132
through 4th grade. I was friends with Mitchell Novick, Henry (Hanky Panky)
Simon, Todd Herold, Robin Fader and Janet ?. My older brother, Mike, was 2 years
ahead of me. Would love to know what happened to everyone.
Eisenberg, Mark - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Parkland, FL
Epstein, Deborah - - East Meadow H.S. - Class of 1979
Currently living in Boca Raton, FL
Epstein, Philip - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently residing in Boca Raton, FL Had a blast growing up in
Laurelton. The 60s and 70s were great - would not have changed anything.
Married Joann Graziano from Rosedale and raised two great sons. Life
been good but the old hangout will always be a special place to
remember. Have fun hanging out the next 30.
Evans, Catherine "Cathy" (Peacock) -
- Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1975
Currently living in Bay Shore, NY. I remember Laurelton well. We lived, my 6
brothers and sisters and I, on 224th st. just off 137 Avenue. I went to PS 156,
after we moved into the neighborhood in 1966. I have been reading postings about
"Wong's Garden" Chinese food on the corner of 225 street and Merrick, but I
remember it as "Loon's Garden". Perhaps some you remember my brothers John and
Martin, or my sisters Marian, Joan, Anne-Marie and Monica. We were one of the
first black families on our block. Now I am married with 2 children. I am a
schoolteacher in Bay Shore, LI.
Evans, Roberta - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1975
My family moved to Laurelton in 1966. I went to P.S.132 and started 4th grade
with Mrs. Shiller. I went to I.S.59 then on to Springfield. I still live in
Laurelton on 131st Ave.
Fader, Robin - -
Atlantic City High School - Class of 1974
Currently living in Bethesda, MD. I attended
Junior HS 59 and then my family moved to New Jersey. Get in touch if you
remember me!
I'm currently living in Maryland with my husband and daughter as an Emmy Award
winning TV producer.
Faison, Cynthia (Trotman) - - Andrew Jackson
H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Richmond, VA. Graduate of P.S. 156, Class of 1970.
Falcone Ed - - Archbishop
Molloy H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Cypress, CA. I was turned on to this site by Larry
Frank, whom i met in a business networking event, another Laureltonian.
Indeed, and amazingly, at the same meeting was another guy form the area
too, Bill Sorotsky. It was fun to reminisce. I lived on 222nd Street
just off the South Conduit Blvd near 145th Ave. I was a parochial
elementary school kid, having been the in the initial graduating class
of '66 of Christ the King School. It has been closed down for many
years. My wife, Maria, is from Rosedale, on 253rd St., just off Francis
Lewis Blvd. We were married in her church, St. Claire's, almost 31 years
ago. We have three great daughters.
Fisher, Pamela - - Jamaica H.S. -
Class of 1978
Blessing & Abundance! Currently living in Laurelton, NY. The Fishers have lived
on 224th Street since 4-4-68, the day we lost MLK. I am still there with my
daughter, Tiffanie! My sister Deborah went to IS 59 and AJHS. I went PS 132, IS
59 and Jamaica H.S., Class of 1978. Then on to CW Post. I remember Bohack's on
222nd Street and Merrick. The photographer next to the Bagel Shoppe took my HS
graduation pix. Remember the free banana bread that Cooky's Steak pub gave out
with dinner? Take me back to the good ole days!!!!! Love, Pam
Flashburg, Lori (Palmer) - - Lawrence H.S. -
Class of 1975
Currently living in Staten Island, NY.
Frankel, Steve - - Chofetz
Chaim H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Chashmonaim, Israel. Attended PS 38, JHS 59, Chofetz
Chaim High School, Brooklyn College.
Freeman, Melvina - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1978
Frey, Barbara (Frey-Mercurio) - - Far
Rockaway H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Plantation, FL.
Gallay, Joel - - Springfield Gardens H.S. Class of 1971
Garfinkel, Marilyn - -
Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1971
Hi Everyone!
I currently live in Valley Stream, NY and I am a teacher for Long Island Blood
Services in Westbury.
Gates, Eddie - - Cardozo H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in New York, NY. Lived in Laurelton 1968-1979 at 138-48 224th
Gilbert, Gabrielle (Reeves) - - Fairfax H.S.
(CA) - Class of 1974
In 1964 my family left Laurelton because of work in Hollywood - an imprint none
of us left behind and never stopped missing
Glasner, Pamela (Melusky) - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Goldberg, Bella (Berlly) - -
Valley Stream Central H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently living in Saratoga, CA, I went to PS 132 and I see you're a neighbor
(somewhat) to me in Saratoga, CA.
Goldberg, Howard - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Albertson, NY. I lived at 133-22 Francis Lewis Blvd.,
Laurelton. I attended P.S. 156, JHS 59 and Andrew Jackson H.S. It was great
seeing the names of friends from the past and bringing back such wonderful
Goldberg, Nancy (Steinmetz) - - John Adams H.S. -
Class of 1975
Currently living in West Orange, NJ.
Goldfluss, Diane (Bender) - - Valley Stream
South H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Suffern, NY. I lived down the street from Stanley's and then
we moved to the "other" side of Merrick. Moved to Valley Stream when I was a
junior in H.S. Nice parents, right? I currently live in Rockland County with my
husband, two girls and a slew of pets. If you remember IGC classes at 156,
please contact me. Would love to catch up
Goldstein, Ellen - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Flushing, NY
Goldstein, Roger - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Pompano Beach, FL
Goldsobel, Jeff (Garis) - - Andrew Jackson
H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Charlotte, NC. Laurelton was a terrfic place to live and to
have friends. I am still very close friends with Joel Reichard for the past 41
years. This weekend I ran into someone who was in all of my classes from 2nd
grade thru JHS 59 and it triggered me to go find this site.
Golnick, Jay - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class
of 1973
Currently living in Farmingdale, NY. I lived on the corner of 233rd St. & 139th
Ave. at 138-59. My grandparents were Rose & Edward Finkelstein & my parents are
Carol & Arthur Golnick who now live in Stony Brook, along with my younger
brother Alan.
Goodman, Margery (Epstein) - - Seaford H.S. -
Class of 1977
Currently living in Kennesaw, GA.
Goodman, Meredith 'Meri' (Donovan) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Corpus Christi, TX
Goodman, Nancy (Miller) - - Seaford H.S. -
Class of 1974
Currently living in Marietta, GA.
Gorsetman, Kurt - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in St. Paul, MN. My brother Glen and I lived at 232-15 Mentone
Ave. from 1962 to 1975. We lived next door to Spencer Weiss. I know there are
people out there who remember us. It was great living in Laurelton. I visited
Laurelton in the summer of 2004 (after 24 years of being away) and being back
was magical. I wish I could live there again. If anyone out there remembers me
and Glen, please do not hesitate to email me. Thanks!
Gottesfeld, Arlene - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Gottlieb, Bob - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Watermill, NY.
I loved finding this site. So many forgotten events are now old memories
remembered fondly. I have a few I'd like to share and wonder if others remember
them. At PS 156 if you brought your lunch, it was called cold as oppossed to hot
lunch, you ate it in the school auditorium. Apples would roll under your seat as
the floor was sloped. But the best part was that you could perform on stage to a
captive audience. At the time The Beatles were popular and many solo and duets
were song on stage while we ate sandwiches. When you finished eating you exited
the front left door and played in the school yard. Back then we flipped baseball
cards, and learned to use the YO YO. We played tag and some did double dutch or
hand ball. There was a tall chainlink fence to contain us with unguarded
openings. In one corner was a garden but I never knew who was the gardener. More
thought to come.
Gottlieb, Edward "Eddy" - - Lawrence H.S. -
Class of 1976
LA7-7541, never forgot our phone number. It was black wall phone with a dial.
There was just one phone in the house for many years, no reason for more. I just
learned about the website from my cousin in Seattle who lived on 227th St. I
lived on 223rd Street at 137th Ave, my brothers are Jerry and Bobby. I attended
PS 156, K to 5, until 1969. Some of my teachers were Mrs. Rognan, Mrs. Kerman,
Miss Carr and Mr. Noble. The year of the teachers strike, we attended classes at
someone's house. It's been 40 years, so I may not remember everything exactly as
it was, but it was definitely a great neighborhood. I could ride my bicycle for
hours and everyone on the block knew my name. There must have been 20 kids on
our block alone. Summer nights were the best. Dad had a regular night card game
with some of the other fathers at the Merans' house. They were also the first
with a color TV. Gas was cheap and everyone drove an American made car. Cub
Scout meetings were at The LJC, so was Hebrew School. The stores I remember were
Stanley Candy, Kwick Way, Goodfood, The Kosher Deli, Casual, the bagel store,
the hardware store and of course the Pizzeria...with 25¢ and a coupon you could
get a slice with a free soda. There was a deli, and on the corner was the
Chinese Restaurant. Freddy owned the Gulf station on another corner. We
sometimes took the Q5 to Gertz Dept. Store in Jamaica. Later we could go to
Gimbels at Green Acres, an open air retail shopping center, similar to the new
centers being built today. Best times included the visits to the World's Fair.
We could even go by bus without our parents. Worst day must have been when JFK
was shot. We were on our way to Mrs. Rand at the library on 225th St. I have
very fond memories of good friends and good times. Laurelton was a beautiful
place to live and grow up. Currently living in Lawrence, NY.
Gottlieb, Jerry - - Lawrence H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently living in Cedarhurst, NY. I attended PS 156 and IS 59 for a few years.
It was a wonderful town and all I have is fond memories. I hope all who lived
here are successful and happy.
Grabarnick, Richie - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
Currently living in North Bellmore, NY. Attended PS 156, JHS 59, AJHS and I
think the website is great!!! I just wanted to post the passing of my
brother Phil Grabarnick on December 5, 2005, who will always remain in my heart.
Phil graduated Andrew Jackson in 1965.
Green, Cheryl (Frydman) - - New Haven
Hebrew Day School - Class of 1974
Currently living in Stamford, CT. I lived on the corner of 181st St. and 145th
Ave. in Springfield Gardens from 1962 until 1969 when my family moved to
Connecticut. I went to Yeshiva Central Queens that was in Jamaica under the L at
the time. Went to Springfield Gardens Jewish Center until everyone moved out of
the neighborhood and it closed. My next door neighbor was my best friend, Laurie
Bernstein and her cousin Sheila lived around the corner. My cousins, the
Chassens, were in Cambria Heights. I remember the last few years living there
were pretty scary. Would love to hear from any of the YCQ alums.
Gross, Ken - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class
of 1970
I guess everyone would suggest that they grew up in a mystical place, but I
don't know about that, except if you happen to have grown up in Laurelton.
Laurelton in the '50's and very early '60's was Mayberry, USA, a largely
homogeneous population with a New Yawk accent. In the 60's, it was this
crucible- "a place, time, or situation characterized by the confluence of
powerful intellectual, social, economic, or political forces" (i.e. the
beginning of neighborhood integration). By the '70's, Laurelton became a
completely different place in its racial and ethnic composition. Thirty years
later, the transformation would appear to have been permanent. Mysticism? I
remember I was about 11 years old. I recall looking out of my top floor bedroom
window onto 226th Street. Two hobos were walking by, one was very tall, rail
thin, sporting a bandana. The other was short walking with a gimp. He had one of
those long sticks with a cloth bag full of stuff at the end placed over his
shoulder. I guess we all are just passing through; we got off at the train
station near Mentone.
Gross, Roger - - Bethpage H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Alexandria, VA. I recently found this site and was glued to
it for over an hour looking for names of people from Laurelton. I went to PS 156
from 1961-1965. They took our 5th grade class and sent us off to JHS 59 to be
part of the new 6 7 8 grade intermediate class. I went to JHS 59 from 1965-1967
when my parents picked me and my older brother Nathan, younger brother Terry,
4th brother Bobby and a baby on the way, Andrew and moved to Bethpage. We lived
at 133-12 230 Street, right across from Sam and Artie Weiss. Sam went to Viet
Nam and came back wounded. We lived down the block from Marshall and Robert
Progebin, Richie Moss, Monte Hirsch and a host of other guys. We played handball
on the wall of the professional building, opposite Stanley's and around the
corner from the Colony Card Shop. My older brother and I belonged to the local
boy scout troop that met in PS 156 on Tuesday evenings. We would go out and pick
up bagels and lox every Sunday Morning and don't forget the News and Tribune.
I was Bar Mitzvahed at Temple Bethel on 223 St. When I tried to reach Rabbi
Ronald Millstein some years later, he was no longer a rabbi, he was selling
either stock or insurance. I ate at Wong's and went to the Saturday movies. They
always wanted to charge me adult prices cause I22 I was a big kid. They said I
was a size HUSKY in those days.
We had the Kleidman and Bruckenthal cousins in nearby Cambria Heights and all
the relatives moved to LONG GUYLAND by 1968-1969.
I graduated Bethpage HS School in 1972 and John Jay College of Criminal Justice
in 1977. I joined a federal police agency, transferred to Washington DC area in
1988 after living in Valley Stream and retired from that in 1997. I went back
into government work and am now working as a Uniformed Police Security Manager
at the Treasury in Washington, DC.
Email me if you remember me. I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me
or my brothers. Email me if you remember me.
I am looking for Seth Figman, David Berlinsky and I found Donald Rosenthal here.
We were the 4 Musketeers in our class in PS 156.
God bless our military forces and God bless America.
Haas, Wendy (Hammond) - - Christopher Columbus H.S.,
Bronx - Class of 1973
I grew up at 226-44 129th Ave. and moved after my sophomore year at AJHS in
1971, to the Bronx. I went to P.S. 132. I went back to see my old house with my
kids two summers ago. Oddly enough, the same owners were still there. It was
lovely to speak with them. Everything looked much smaller than I remembered!! In
my younger years, I hung out quite a bit across the boulevard at the schoolyard
across from the LJC. Many, many basketball games to view. I remember names like
Pam Shapiro, Bruce Kessler, there was a Rauch, a Randy, a Raymond, my infamous
friend Judy Kroten, a very tall LB I believe, and a good friend Joy Weber. On my
avenue I remember a best friend named Cindy Mcdonald, who was older than myself.
I remember spending many weekends at the pizza place and onto the movies. It was
sad to see how much Merrick Blvd. had changed. I prefer remembering the way it
was! It is really nice to see there is a site for all to visit.
Hersh, Monte - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. & Hampton Bays H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Hampton Bays, NY. Hello to all my friends. I attended 132,
JHS 59 and my freshman year at Jackson. It was a great time to grow up there. I
will always consider it my home. Yes, my brother was Eric, Jackson class of
Hymowitz, Mitchell - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently living in Seattle, WA. Lived at 144-28 232nd Street. LJC. 156 for
grade 1-3 (Mrs. Reid, Miss Wybaille, Mrs. Schneider). 181 for grade 4-5 (Mrs.
Colandro, Miss Fisher). 231. SGHS for grade 9-10. Would have graduated '74.
Moved to Paramus, NJ for grade 11-12. Rutgers. NYU MBA. Moved to Seattle in
1986. Full details on LinkedIn. Life is good. I have nothing but fond memories
of Laurelton/Rosedale/Springfield Gardens. Best to all
Ingoglia, Jodi (Deitch) - - Oakdale Prepatory
School - Class of 1974
Currently living in Bellmore, NY. Wow, what a great website. I have such fond
memories of growing up in Laurelton. I attended PS 38, then on to IS59,
Springfield HS and then off to a private school in Bayside. I grew up right off
Laurelton Pkwy, across the street from the Garden Apartments (236th Street).Some
of the people who lived on my block were Susan Whitworth, Hyman Zucker, Bonnie
Gerbetz, Joseph Palmenteri, Marty Gutkin and Sherri (don't remember last name).
I was also friends with Marla Malkman, Robert Weinblatt, Bob Gellman, Steven
Plotkin and Steve Noweicky. If anyone remembers me, please feel free to drop to
a note, I would love to hear from you.
Ingrassia, John - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Lakeland, FL. Attended P.S. 156 (Thanks for posting
the old photo of it). Went three years to Archbishop Molloy H. S. (1967-1969)and
attended St. Mary Magdalene Church. Would like to hear from anyone from the
Mentone gang or anyone else who remembers me.
Jerkins, Allen - - Walt Whitman H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in
Tulsa, OK. It was great to hear from old friends. Attended JHS 59 in
Springfield Gardens before the family moved to Huntington. Dad was in the horse
racing business so we needed more room for his animals. Remember the punch ball
days in the horseshoe, and stickball games in the yard. 6th grade teacher was
Ms. Postly, but will never forget 2nd grade and Ms. Anderson. Currently living
in Tulsa as a Sportscaster..married 3 kids, 2 grandkids. Hope all is well.
Jochnowitz, Abby - - Columbia H.S. - Class of 1978
Currently living in Bernardsville, NJ. I think about Laurelton all of the time.
I have reconnected with some old classmates from PS 38 and PS 156 on Facebook. I
lived at 130-57 233rd St., near the garden apartments. I have a couple of class
photos from public school on my Facebook page. Anybody who might remeber me,
please contact me through my email address
Johansen, Roy - - Danbury High School - Danbury, CT -
Class of 1972
Attended PS 132 and IS59 from 1960-1968 before moving from Laurelton/Springfield
Gardens to Danbury, CT.
Kagan, Debbie (Murray) - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Clearwater, FL.
Please feel free to e-mail me. Love, Debbie.
Kanowitz, Robert - - Jericho H.S. -
Class of 1973
Currently living in Bethpage, NY.
I would love to hear from old friends. Website located at
Kapit, Larry - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Coral Springs, FL
Kavaler, Bernard - - Attended
Springfield Gardens H.S. - 1971 & 1972 then moved out of state.
Currently living in West Hartford, CT. Growing up in Laurelton stays with you
for a lifetime. PS 156, LJC, Cub Scouts, IS 59, SGHS, Merrick Road, stickball,
touch football, basketball in the driveway, teacher strikes, Mayor Lindsay,
Mentone Ave, Carmine's, the library, flipping baseball cards and the Laurelton
movie theater. Yup, it stays with you for a lifetime. Let's fast forward; send
me an email if we knew each other back then.
Kessler, Bruce (Freiman) - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Kilman, Larry - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Bellmore, NY.
Kinigson, David - -
Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1971
Hello everyone....Currently living in West Palm Beach FL. What a great site
evoking memories of Laureleton... friends, cutting school, girls, my block,
hanging out... it goes on and on. Merrick Blvd. , Stanley 's, Burt & Dave's,
Laurelton Movie Theatre, the laundromat, Carmine's... the best pizza ever .20 a
slice. I attended PS 156, JHS 59 and AJHS graduating class 1971. My best friend
was, and still is, Gerard Lombardo. We met just before 4th grade started on 229
Street and 129 Avenue. Wendy Haas, Cindy MacDonald, Joanne Hoffman, Marilyn
Gelfand, Cindi Dixon, Mallory Gordon, Hedy From, Myra Dranoff, Gail Ercalano
among my school friends. Regards to everyone.
Kirsch, Larry - - East Rockaway H.S. - Class of 1977
Hello to everyone. Currently living in Rockville, Maryland with my wife Mona and
my 16 year old daughter, Ariel, who is junior at the Greater Washington Yeshiva.
I am also blessed with a wonderful stepdaughter who just finished University of
Maryland and a stepson who will be graduating Towson University this year and,
hopefully, will be entering medical school next year. I left Laurelton pretty
early on (after 5th grade) so I don't know if many people remember me. From
Laurelton, I moved to East Rockaway New York. I graduated East Rockaway High
School in 1977, Binghamton University in 1981 and George Washington University
Law School in 1985. I lived at 131-25 229th Street and have fond memories of
Laurelton. If anyone wants to say hello, please email me.
Kirschner, Toni (Pugliese) - -
Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Wallingford, CT.
Kitchenman, Walter - - (Left
before High School)
Currently living in Rye, NY. Montefiore Cemetary was my backyard. I lived just
down the street from P.S. 132, but I attended St. Mary Magdalene's Catholic
elementary school, starting in 1960. Remember the movie theater and the A&P
well, and -- because I'm Irish American and my relatives were cops and firemen
-- I remember the bar Hogartys (to the best of my recollection that's the name).
In fact, I think my uncle Jack worked there part-time as a bartender! I remember
hiding under the desk for our nuclear attack drills, having to stay indoors and
practice civil defense. The neighborhood where I was raised was overwhelmingly
African American by the time of the Kennedy assassination and I remember how
strongly that event united us. The place that ultimately shaped me the most --
even though I left at 11.
Kitzen, Marcia - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1975
Currently living in Huntington, NY.
Kleidman, Carl - - Valley Stream North
H.S. - Class of 1975
Great site. Grew up in Cambria Heights ( 120-03 225th St ) and went to PS 176,
graduating in 1969 (despite the blizzard). Went to IS 59 and met all the folks
from Laurelton - Chris Policano, Peter Constantine, Charlie Weinblatt and all
the others. Graduated in 1972 and sadly moved about 5 miles (but it could have
been 5000) away to Franklin Square . To paraphrase from the movie "Stand By Me"
- while you will have many friends in your life there are no best friends like
the best friends you had growing up. Awesome memories. My brothers were Paul (2
years older) and Larry (3 years younger). Also cousin Steve Bruckenthal (1 year
older). Anyone from my years I would love to hear from
Klugsberg, Barbara (Sternberg) - -
Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1973
living in Givat Zeev, Israel
Kornbluh, David - -
Jamaica H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Edison, NJ.
Kossoff, Roberta - - Forest Hills H.S.
- Class of 1975
Currently living in Bayside, NY.
Kraftowitz, Larry - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Pelham Manor, NY
Krane, Lori - - Hendrick Hudson H.S. - Class of
I have some class photos to add and am looking for others.
Kushner, Karen - - Martin Van Buren H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Chico, CA. I attended PS 156 and IS 59 and carried
along memories of friends for years. After 2 years at Andrew Jackson HS
I moved and finished my high school career at Martin Van Buren. I
continued my education in and out of Buff State and after 2 years,
decided to "go west". After spending 3 years or so finding myself, I
went back to school and became a physician assistant. My partner and I
are now in the process of opening the Shalom Community Health Center of
Chico, so let me hear from you all--Miss you all mucho! Peace, Karen
(Malcolm's little sister)
Kuschner, Matt - - J.F. Kennedy, Bellmore - Class of 1977
Currently living in Merrick, NY
Landy, Karen - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Bayside, NY.
Lamberson, William (Bill) -
mrbill0813@aol,com - Hillcrest H.S.
Annex - Class of 1976
I lived at 234-12 134th.Rd which is the street behind Twin Ponds Bakery +
Zelda+Manny's candy store from '67to'71 and then moved to 131-02 Laurelton
Parkway in the ground floor apt. in Laurelton Garden Apts. My mom Alma worked at
Twin Ponds Bake Shop from '71to'77 as I did and I also worked for the Texaco
station on Merrick Rd.+Laurelton Pkway. as well as Stanley's when Irving Roesch
owned it-I helped him out there and set up all the papers for Sunday mornings.
We moved to Stony Point N.Y. in Rockland 11/77 and after getting married
and having 4 kids (2boys+2girls) and moving a few more times around the
Orange/Sullivan Cty. area we moved to Spring Hill, Florida where we have now
lived for a little over ten years. I was really glad to find this site Skip so
keep up the above and beyond excellent work you are doing as I know it's not
easy to keep up with all this coming at you from everywhere and I'll post some
more info. and help you get some names of store locations for the Map "O"
Merrick Road when I have more time to write once school is over down here on
06/03 and im not driving the school bus for the summer. Anyone who cares to
respond weather we are old friends or not, please do as I will answer all who
write and will check in here several times a week. I can be reached at: so drop me a line.
That's all for the time being. Regards, Bill
Lamendola, Mark - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Hey there old friends and acquaintances, I just drove by Laurelton 4 am this
morning on my way to JFK to catch a flight back home to Boca Raton. I have not
seen the town in many years but I am familiar with so many of the names listed
here. I remember having a "Beatle" based band in the mid-60's at P.S. 156. I
still play/write music; it has always been my life, for better or worse.
As I drove to JFK this morning I couldn't help thinking of the time I spent
messing around in the brush area along side of the highway heading toward N.
Conduit Ave. I/we would run into different groups of friends, everyone on their
own adventure and cut off from the adult world. Some of the things that went
on...I'll put it this way...Stephen Kings "Stand By Me" didn't even come close.
I have some fond memories and some that I'd rather forget.
I am always a little envious of some of my friends that are able to go home and
visit the town they grew up in and see old friends that they grew up with. My
generation from Laurelton scattered and it's too bad we don't get the
opportunity to rehash old stories and have some laughs. I am not really looking
for anyone, although I left behind someone very close to me...stupid me!
Lasner, Van - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1973
Currently living in Ft. Lauderdale , FL. Best years of my life. Wonderful
memories! LA5-4334. Lived on 230st & 174th. Went to PS 156, 231 and 2 Yrs of
Springfield Gardens . Loved going to Brookville Park to skate there in winter
and play baseball in summer. Remember Louies Italian deli, Maries candy store
for 6 cents soda and baseball cards, Pizza King. Rmember Mr. Softy and Good
Humor trucks. Used to hang around with Gary Bass, Gene Mueller, Michael Eisner,
Howie Gitlan, Michael Blumberg, Jeff Nassi, Alan Shanker and Joe Passerelli. I
used to work at Bagel Factory and Shepies Jewish Deli in town when I was 12 with
Elliot Varron form Rosedale . Moved to Florida in 1970 and Graduated N.M.B. Life
is great. Remember the Feather Factory by Rexall drugs? Regards to all my old
friends in Laurelton and Rosedale schools.
Lease, Elaine (Lauri) - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in East Meadow, but nothing compares to growing up in
Laurelton. It is so amazing to read all the entries and see how everyone viewed
Laurelton in the same way. I loved growing up in Laurelton. I was extremely sad
to see the decline set in many years ago. This web site reminds us of what we
had and the memories are wonderful. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers
me and wants to share those memories.
Lee, Aldora (Peterson) - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently residing in Flushing, NY.
Leibowitz, Linda (Amar) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Israel.
Leight Barri (Giardelli) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently living in Cave Creek, AZ
Leonard, Beryl (Shavit) - - Bayside HS -
Class of 1974
Living in Israel since 1976 - Kibbutz Ein Hashofet, Israel.
Moved from Laurelton in 1973.
Leonard, Sandy - -
Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1972
This is a great site. I live in Oegstgeest, Holland and have lost touch
with people from Laurelton. Would be great to hear from old friends and
Lesnick, Charles - - Glen
Cove High School - Class of 1977
I lived in Laurelton for ten years following my second birthday, from
1961 to 1971. I went to PS 176 and then during the big NYC teachers
strike I transferred to Issiah Day School at the Laurelton Jewish Center
before my family moved to Glen Cove, Long Island. I have lived in
Yonkers for the past 21 years where I am now the City Council President.
Levin, Randy - - Oceanside
H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in East Meadow, NY. Like so many of you, I stumbled across this
amazing website and it has brought back many memories. I lived at 131-35 225th
St. It was one of two identical two family homes owned by the Rofrano and the
Scavonie family (I am sure I spelled that wrong). I went to PS 156. I remember
Ms. Carr, Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Dribbons. 5th grade was the year of the huge
teacher strike. I remember friends such as Danny Ward, Jerry Murphy, the whole
Bailey family. "Blank" Zelesnic, Cool teens like Candy (She went to Hofstra)
lived across the street. Randy and Sheryl cool babysitters :) I
remember Stanleys and his dog. I remember planting shrubs and flowers on a newly
built middle island on 225th St. The year Kennedy was killed my mother organized
a HUGE fund raising (lemonade) stand with tons of kids from the neighborhood. No
one locked their doors. It was idealic. I miss the simplicity and peace of it
all. I also am embarrassed to be part of the "White Flight" of the time in 1969.
I was only 11 and had no say but it's sad to be part of that ugly history of
subtle racism. Still, I miss what Laurelton was...and the melting pot that was
PS 156. Walter Lanarez was a good friend. Others I wish I remembered as much.
This site is amazing. PLEASE contact me if you remember me....or the Glass
family on 225th street. One daughter, I believe, became a nurse.
Levine, Shelley "Habi" - - Springfield Gardens H.S - Class of 1970
Finally! I was wondering why the old website seemed to have stalled
when I finally found the new website. I have to say that it's better
than ever, and even more memories came flooding back as I was exploring
it. I first posted in July 2005 (where many of the details of my
"innocent" years are recalled). I'm from that "other" side of Merrick
(P.S. 176). I also went to Springfield Gardens HS, and the Laurelton
Jewish Center. I currently reside in West Palm Beach FL. I continue to
return to this site, as remembering back to those simple and wonderful
times can cheer up my day, and I recognize the names of so many of you.
I also note that many of you now live in my neighborhood although we're
probably all from different graduating classes. I now work for the Palm
Beach County Convention & Visitors Bureau. I'd be delighted to hear
from anyone who remembers me (and I remember a lot of you as if it were
yesterday). My e-mail address has changed since my first posting so I'm
re-listing it. Here's to the great memories!!
Levy, Rae - - Plantation H.S. -
Class of 1970
Currently living in Sunrise, FL. I lived in Laurelton from 1952 until 1968
on 226th street. I attended PS 132 (1957 - 1964), JHS 59 (1964 - 1966), and
Andrew Jackson HS (1966 - 1968). I moved with my family after my sophomore year
to Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I still live in South FL and have been retired since
1/2007. I would love to hear from people that I went to school with.
Lintz, Michael - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1972
Been living in Hollywood, California for the past 31 years. Married with 1
child, a son named Dylan. Lots of memories of hanging out in PS 156 schoolyard,
shooting hoops, playing handball and eating Italian ices in the summer! I have
reconnected with many old friends on Facebook. Go to my page for further
Lockwood, Paul - -
St. John's H.S. - Class of 1976
Here is my story…My name is Paul Lockwood and family moved to Laurelton from
Brooklyn in 1959. The address was 222-29 143rd Ave. , near 224th St. and N.
Conduit and Belt Parkway. We had a huge yard that ran from 143rd Ave. back to
142nd Rd. Our phone # was LA8-7461. We lived there until the summer of 1968. We
moved as the neighborhood had changed and my parents were concerned about
safety. You see, my brother (Jerry) was assaulted while riding his bike one
afternoon; kids were coming in our backyard and taking apples off our apple
(crabapple) tree and throwing them at our house and calling us nasty names and
other such unpleasantness. That said, I have fond memories of:
• Riding sleds down next to the Belt parkway and only being stopped from going
into traffic by my big (17 year old) brothers foot as he stood at the bottom of
the hill (this is where there was a Gulf Gas Station nearby).
• Walking down to the little candy store not far from the LIRR station…at 224th
St. and 141st…..Fred’s, I think we called it…it was across the street from a
Mobil Gas Station. Building model cars bought from his store and having them
placed in the window as part of some kind of “contest” which I never won, but
made me proud of my creation anyway!
• Going to school at St. Mary Magdalene’s in Springfield Gardens (walked it
every day).
• Going to the IGA… again located close the LIRR station and getting food on
“credit” where at the register they would write down your name and amount owed
in one of those black and white speckled composition notebooks.
• Walking home and finding my now much older (21 year old) brother waxing his
new Triumph TR4A sports car (which he bought while he was in the Navy) under the
LIRR station overpass because he did not want the sun to streak the wax job.
There was also a bar right there that he frequented often but his two younger
brothers were NEVER allowed to go in!
• Playing all day in what we called McCaffrey’s Lot…the land of some friends who
owned a piece of woods/dirt/field that at the time we thought must have been
1.000 acres (but was probably only ¾ of an acre if that). I think it was on or
near Edgewood?
• Taking the Q5A bus to Jamaica Ave and going to John’s Bargain Store with 50
cents and getting tons of stuff!
• Going to White Castle in Lynbrook and eating those tasty little squares off a
tray hooked on the car window served by a car hop!
• Walking so FAR down to Merrick Blvd. so my brother could take his drum lessons
at “Tom's Music Shop” (not positive on that name).
• Getting take out from the Chicken-D-Light store after the drum lessons (“Don’t
Cook Tonight…Call Chicken-D-Light”).
• Waiting for Dave, the Good Humor guy to come by so I could by a Tiger Stripe
(root beer flavored ice cream bar).
• Bothering my big sister Linda while she played with her friends the Barones
and Capartos’ (?) who lived across the street.
• Playing with my friends the LoFaros (Richie and Henry), the Liebermans (Ira
and brothers), and Clifford “Tippy” Mitchell.
Am now living in Virginia and treasure these memories. I can be contacted at .
PaulLubman, Elizabeth (Lubman-Silverman) -
- Hewlett H.S. - Class of 1977
Currently living in Short Hills, NJ
Lundy, Michele K. - - Andrew Jackson
H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Cambria Heights, NY. I became a resident of Laurelton in
1968 as a fourth grader at P.S. 156. I then attended IS. 59, Andrew Jackson was
my choice for High School. Living two short blocks from the Laurelton theater
was great! Afterwards we went to Tony's Pizza Shop on the corner of 227th Street
& Merrick Blvd. To this day, I have never tasted any pizza that could top
Tony's. So many wonderful memories there! My parents still live
there and as I have been advised, they have resided the longest of all residents
on their block!
Malkman, Marla (Smith) - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1975
Currently soaking up the sun with husband, son, daughter and 3 dogs in suburb of
Tampa, Florida. Many fond memories of life in Laurelton. We lived on 228th and
135th with the LJC on one corner and Young Israel on the other. I loved never
having to leave the block for a good game of anything, playing handball at
156,watching brother Rich hit the ball out of the school yard, getting candy at
Helen & Sams, buying school supplies at Stanley's, Pizza at Tony's, opening my
first bank account at Ridgewood, Chicken Delight, the #5 bus, Green Acres,
4Star, Orlandos, my mom getting her hair done at Pompeiis, Key Food, Miss Hudley
and of course Mr. Morris. Friends Judy Glick, Elysa Schiffer, Ronny Brack, Gene
Mottas (RIP) The Kohns, Tommy Rizza, Laurie Asher, Susan Reiders, Marcia Kitzen.
These were good times yielding wonderful memories. I'm thankful to have them.
Maller, Debi (Maller-Natoli) - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Marshall, Ellen - - Jamaica H.S.
- Class of 1976
Currently living in East Windsor, NJ. I was thrilled to find out about this
website. I have found a part of my past that I thought had evaporated. I lost
track of most of my contemporaries except for a few and maybe I will be able to
reconnect somehow. Thanks for the reconnect!!
Marzan, Cindy (Marzan-Zaretsky) - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently living in Oceanside, NY. OMG I can't believe the memories that flood
back. Hanging out on the handball courts at PS 156. USY Meetings Sunday nights
at Laurelton Jewish Center. Walking the neighborhood...yes, those were the good
old days!!
Mayer, Harriet "Habi" - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Cedarhurst, NY. Re: reconstructing Merrick
stores - My parents owned Drive Line Motors on 225th St. and Merrick Blvd. It
was originally a Shell and then Gulf gas station, and remained a transmissions
and body shop. My parents bought it from Mr. Gogell in 1959 who also owned the
car repair shop across the street. They sold it (it is now a Gibraltar
transmission shop) and the mortgage was just paid off by the new owners
last year.
Mayo, Bill - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Birmingham, AL. Wow, what a great site this is! I actually
grew up 1965-82 in Cambria Heights. I attended PS 147 K-6, Linden JHS 192
(Hollis) 7-9, A. Jackson 10-12, Hofstra U. (LI) Undergrad & St. John's Grad. I
would not have wanted to grow up any where else in the world. My kids are always
facinated by my tales of growing up in Queens. They say I should write a book or
screen play! I played alot of basketball as a kid, which caused me to travel
alot between Laurelton, Queens Village, Spring Field Gardens, Cambria Heights,
Hollis, St. Albans and So. Jamaica. I also dated my fair share of cute young
ladies in those towns as well! My wife (also a IS 59, Jackson,
Hofstra alum) and I lived in Rosedale after we were first married, then bought a
home in Piscataway, NJ. A career opportunity took us South to Kennesaw, GA. and
the subsequently to B'Ham AL where I am a Sales Director for Kraft Foods.
McTier, Nanette - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1975
Meizlik, Linda (Bernstein) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Bayside, NY. Married with 4 children. Grandmother of
1 with 1 on the way. My husband and I have just celebrated our 29th
Anniversary. Looking for a girl named Cheryl Silverman. Anyone know her?
I work at North Shore Hospital in Manhasset, Newborn Nursery.
Merein, Annie (Glick) - - Springfield Gardens H.S.
- Class of 1971
Currently living in Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Michaels, Steven - - JFK
Bellmore - Class of 1975
Currently living in New York, NY.
Moskowitz, Charles - - Spring Valley H.S.
- Class of 1979 - Updated August, 2016
For some reason my last email went through a black hold and maybe went into The
Twilight Zone. I graduated P.S. 156 in 1973. My teachers probably are dead and
buried by now.
Moskowitz, Michael - - Plainview JFK
H.S. - Class of 1975
Currently living in
New York, NY. Since making a post
to this website last year I have reconnected with many of my elementary
school friends that I have not seen or spoken to in 35 years. Thus, not
only is the site rich with memories, it is a great way to find long lost
friends and to rekindle those friendships. Thank you Skip for giving us
all this opportunity. Web site located at
Myers, Jeff - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Howell, NJ.
Naftal, Julie - - Jamaica H.S. - Class of 1975
Currently living in North Babylon, NY.
Nusbaum, Howard - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in New York, NY. I moved from Laurelton in 1972. I discovered
that most of my basketball talents were only present on my home court and my
paved backyard. I would love to invite the other guys back for a day. I haven't
won a game, much less dominated one, since.
Patick, Gary - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in New City, NY. day and night - Jerry
Robbins 45 as "Mickey Mouse and Anniversary of Love" on the jukebox in Carmine's
Pizzaria. Twin Ponds...competition fasting during Yom Kippur...Sid Levine got
all the girls. Larry ? beating up Reggie - that was weird. Paul Anka's manager
lived on 130th St. and somewhere. Hebrew School at 4:30 at the LJC Monday
through Friday. What a horror. King of the Hill on the LJC hill. Robert Kennedy
standing on car roof waving while some local band played Wipe Out. Raymond
Domiyan flipping over P.S. 156 fence in two seconds flat and landing on his feet
- just like in West Side Story. He was fast - died a few years ago. He slept
over at my house some Saturday nights and we'd watch Chiller Theater. The
Greasers of Rosedale...Brookfield by the fire house...roaming
the streets of Laurelton in autumn...burning leaves in garbage cans...chalk bags
on Oct. 31. Good times.
Patton, Debra (Norwood) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1977
My family moved from Brooklyn to 138-20 232nd St. in late 1969. I went to IS 59
and the to Springfield Gardens High School. I remember walking to Green Acres
Mall with Tommy Edwards, Julie Naftal (sp), Roy Clark, Keith, GJ, Mark Tucker,
Suzie Campbell, Ellen Marshall and numerous other friends. I remember every
weekend going to the Laurelton theater and sitting what felt like all day
watching the movies. remember my first puppy love Chuck Daniels. My family moved
to Suffolk County Long Island in February 1975 (which at the time felt like the
worst day of my life). I will always call Laurelton my home. Great memories.
Penalver, Lisa - - August Martin
H.S. - Class of 1978
Currently living in East Orange, NJ
Perl, David - - Brandeis H.S. - Class of 1977
Hello. My name is David Perl and we lived at 138-18 226th Street from 1960 until
1983; currently living in Commack, NY. My sister Paula Perl (now Weiler) was in
the first graduating class at Springfield Gardens H.S. My brother Harold (aka
Heshy) also went there; he was on the It's Academic team (for those of you who
don't remember, that was a TV quiz show where local high schools played each
other). However, except for kindergarten at 156, my school years were at Jewish
private schools. One year at YCQ (then in Jamaica, now in Kew Gardens Hills). At
that time the Isaiah Day School was started in the Laurelton Jewish Center (in
no small part due to the efforts of my parents, Bernard and Frieda Perl). I went
there from 2nd grade until graduating 8th grade. It was always a small school,
and it would close one year after I graduated. Even so, only one other kid was
there all those years too -- Melissa Klein. Phyllis Seligson joined us in 3rd
grade. (I was still in touch with Melissa for a number of years after, but have
since lost touch. Haven't been in touch with Phyllis at all during that time. If
either are of you see this or someone knows about them, I'd love to hear from
them.) Melissa and I were going to go to Solomon Schechter H.S. of Queens, but
the they closed one week (!) before school started that fall. We switched in a
hurry to Brandeis in Lawrence. Instead of being in alphabetical order, we spent
the entire year being called last because of our late admission. By my senior
year, they stopped providing bus service there. We car pooled in the morning and
I took the LIRR home in the afternnon. Little did I know (before discovering
this site) that I was following in the footsteps of the high schoolers of many
years before me. The stores in Laurelton have been mentioned by many others, so
I would like to talk about the Laurelton Jewish Center, where I spent most of
youth between school and synagogue. It was a huge facility with lots of great
hiding places. When my brother was Bar Mitzvah, it was still in the heyday of
Rabbi Singer and Cantor Kleinberg. By my time, it was Rabbi Konovitch and Cantor
Kunis. Besides being as short as Rabbi Konovitch was tall, I have two strong
memories of Cantor Kunis: 1) the Sunday morning Talis 'n' Tefillin (TNT) club.
We had Services, followed by breakfast and then a ball game in the 156 yard
across the street. 2) In Bar Mitzvah class, he would time us to make sure we
took at least 2 minutes to recite the portion of Musaf from the end of Kedusha
until the singing of U'V'Yom HaShabbat. I regularly have lead services in the
various synagogues to which I have belonged to over the years. I doubt I could
take that long today if I tried. This is a tremendous site; it's amazing to see
all these names and memories from the past. I still regularly drive by the area
from the Belt/Cross Island. I recently was driving on the Belt with my wife and
got stuck in traffic when I decided to get off and show her the old
neighborhood. She was blown away when she saw the houses on 139th Avenue that
are still gorgeous even today. In many ways, my time was just a memory; I'm not
trying to pretend I can go back there. But there is still a Laurelton today for
those who are there: I work for the State of new York, and one of my supervisors
(recently retired) still lives there; ironically, he's only one block from old
house. Again, congratulations on the site.
Perry, David - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1974
Currently living in Lakewood, CO. This is really cool. I was looking for info on
old classmates and bang... people's names that really sound familiar and some I
know. Anyway, I went to JHS 59, Andrew Jackson, Thomas Edison and Springfield
Gardens at the same time. So, I got here by looking for a picture Mrs. Lesser
and Mrs. Madonna. These two women made a big for some reason made crazy to the
point, my wife is a librarian that teaches English, corrects me all the time. I
remember Ms. Sullivan, who just drove me crazy. I live in Colorado and have a
large family. Daughters, a son and about a dozen grands. You have probably seen
them all over Facebook. They love posting. Starting to remember some things
about the old neighborhood. People today talk about diversity, but I think we
already had it in Laurelton. By the way, wasn't there a school called St. Mary
Pestaina, Leslie 'Les' - - Stuyvesant H.S.
Currently living in Brimfield, MA. I just found this site. I moved
to Laurelton in 1969 from Manhattan. Definitely a 1970's resident.
Although I did spend summers there in the mid 60s; I'd take a bus to CYO
day camp with the Supremes playing on the Radio. I hated it. However,
when I moved there in 69 I had much better memories. Despite a
number of unpleasant issues (all pertaining to racial politics of the
70s) I do have fond memories or Laurelton: Italian ices at the bakery on
Merrick BLVD, German Deli, Sal's candy store (although Sal could be
pretty nasty). I'll update at a later date when I have more time.
Just glad to find this site.
Pickus, Artie - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1976
Currently living in N. Babylon, NY
Pickus, Audrey (Topol) - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1973
Currently living in Bay Shore, NY. I would love to know the whereabouts of some
of the H.S. staff from that time.
Plotkin, Steve - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Greetings all fellow Laurelton ex-pats. Steve Plotkin here - went to
156, 59 and SGHS. Currently living in Parker, Colorado (a burb of
Denver). Formerly lived in So Fla, Chicago. I'm an engineer - working
for Lockheed-Martin. Despite having travelled all over the world - I
have to admit - God I miss Laurelton - we grew
Policano, Chris - - Jamaica H.S. -
Class of 1975
Currently living in New York, NY. Fascinating trip down Memory Lane -- my family
moved to Laurelton in 1966 and my folks stayed until 1990 or thereabouts. I
attended PS 156, JHS 59 (so nice to see all the folks who remember their
teachers, especially Mr. Morris) and Jamaica High. I am still in regular contact
with David Pfeffer, Peter Consenstein, Carl Kleidman and Jane Hochman -- I
wonder about a lot of others, particularly Alan Feigenbaum, Meryl Kletzel (loved
that name), Nancy Sloan, Randi Agata, Evan Fliegel, Matthew Kasindorf, Eugene
Brandon... the list goes on for days. Intriguing how "white flight" seems to
dominate the memories of the black pioneers who moved into Laurelton in the
early 70s and how far away many of the folks who left have gone.
Polivy, Calvin - - Valley
Stream South H.S. - Class of 1979
Currently living in Long Beach, NY. Thank you for this opportunity, Skip, I've
spent too long reading these memories; I have a lot of memories of my own from
the town we grew up in, but didn't have too much time to write until now. I went
to P. S. 156 from 66-72, 231 from 72-74. I lived between 139th Ave. and 141st
Ave. on 231st St.,. On 141st Ave. and 231st St. there was an elderly woman we
used to run errands for to buy milk, bread and cigarettes at Hank and Marilyn's
grocery store around the corner, with a bunch of other neighborhood stores that
I haven't seen anyone else mention, which is now some connected apartments.
There was Danny's barber shop, a shoemaker that we used to watch at his craft, a
butcher, and classic candy store; those were the good old days. On a sad note,
the elderly woman's house burned down and she died in the fire. I also have many
memories of Merrick Rd.& all the stores, Beatlemania in the movie theater seeing
Hard Days Night abd Help with my older brother Joe, and the girls screaming! I
also saw Bonnie and Clyde, Serpico, and we met Sonny Fox after a Christmas movie
that he starred in; what a great movie theater! If you grew up on my block you
knew about playing stoopball on Mr.Hoffman's stoop. It was the 0nly new stoop on
the block. It was also the ringalevio many good memories!! On our
block and 232nd St. there were so many kids of all ages,the Costanzas,
Hejducecks, Linds, Cassells, Smollars, Cambells, Dwight & Lloyd Hutchinson,
O'laughlins, Pearls, and Wellners, Harvey Goldberg, Rotters, Katz, Bogners,
Johnny & Joey Singer, the Griefs, just to name a few! It's unbelievable what a
much more simple world it used to be.
Before I sign off I'll just mention our corner where we played ball where we
constantly had to be in fear of Tony Baloney, Happy George, and Mr. Hands, if we
hit the ball in their yard or broke a window or got caught going on their
property to fetch our balls, 139th Ave. & 231st. .One more name I wanted to
mention, Stewie Davidson who played ball with us and lived next to Happy George.
I still have talked to some of these people over the years and am still close to
Sal Costanza and family. If you are familiar with any of these names or where
abouts of these people please drop a line. Remember Columbia Pizza near
Dead Man's Hill? Okay I'll stop now!! Thanks again for letting me share some
memories of a neighborhood that means a lot to me!
Polivy, Gail - - Valley
Stream South H.S.- Class of 1976
Currently living in Oakdale, NY. Happy Laurelton resident from 1961 until late
1974 - I still have recurring dreams of Laurelton - with the most awesome
memories of growing up there and the tons of friends I had. 80 kids on our block
alone on 231st street between Mentone and 139th Avenue. Wiffle Ball games on the
4-corner intersection of 231st Street and 139th Avenue. Freshly paved roads and
roller skating. Hide and seek games into the night. I started Kindergarten with
Mrs. Robinson (graduating Kindergarten Class of 1965), and finished there (5th
grade) with Mrs. Freeman. 3rd Grade with Mr. Dribbon was fabulous (anyone
remember him?) IS 59 got a little rough for some of us and the parents
petitioned to have us moved to JHS 231. Most of my friends were moving away, and
by the time I was in the middle of 11th grade at Springfield Gardens High and
none of my friends were left, my folks finally also made the move out of
Laurelton. Would love to hear from everybody that knows us! I know my brother's
would too - Joe Polivy (class of 1973) and Calvin Polivy (class of 1979). More
to follow... Website:
Poneman, Mark - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in Staten
Island, NY. Hey there, Ponemon here, sister Susan, brothers Arthur
and Ely. We lived at 135-36 FLB. Next door to the Ackermans, Michael,
Mark & Bonnie. Reflecting back is so much fun. PS 156, 59 and
Springfield. Boy Scouts Troop 225, the old LJC of course. Let us not
forget all the stores that I worked at on Merrick, the best of course
being Burt and Dave's until the fire. But I did also work at the
cleaners, LaTosca, Chicken Delight and Dial Drugs. Anyhow, anybody
wishes to rehash old memories don't hesitate to drop me an email. If I
should owe you money from back then forget about trying to collect :)
Best to all and thanks Skip for keeping the memories alive...
Popofsky, Holly (Berman - - JFK Bellmore
H.S. - Class of 1973
Currently living in Woodbury, NY. Would have graduated from Andrew Jackson, but
we moved to Merrick in 1969, soon after my Bat-Mitzvah.
Rauch, Michael -
- Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1974
I'm currently living in North Easton, MA. To the 156 schoolyard, the
pumas, Mentone Avenue, Merrick Road and more...Laurelton was the place
to be, a place where friendships lived long. Great 06 reunion!
Rauch, Neil - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in Baltimore, MD.
After thirty years living in Mass., am just this week moving to
Baltimore. (I'm still "from Laurelton", though). I read thru the
site and wanted to update my last posting which was about 4 years ago, a week
before moving to Baltimore from the Boston area (1977-2006) My wife decided she
wanted to convert to now I'm observant, which is quite a change
from the mischievous knucklehead that I was years ago.
Laurelton is still an important part of my life. I'm in touch with friends like
Randy Wasoff, Larry Weiss, Barry Secular, Rob Berger and Howie Margolis, and I
even made time to visit with Suzanne Faber when I was down in Florida (whom I
hadn't seen in a million years) Facebook has turned up all sorts of others, so
I'm catching up with many old friends from a time of life that was idyllic
compared to the insanity that passes for real life today. I'm always interesting
in catching up if folks want to write.
Reiff, William - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1974
Currently living in West
Babylon, NY. Hi! I would like to hear from anybody who remembers
myself or my brother Ed. Boy, since I posted last I keep hearing
from more and more old Laureltonites!!! Let's keep the memories and posts going.
I just rode through the old town in February with my 6, 7, and 8 year old sons.
I told them how it was growing up in a place like nowhere else. We all had a
great way of life, but I guess all good things come to an end; it is sad
Springfield Gardens High is no longer a real high school. The town is very
different, the Parkway Diner is now a school!!! The bicycle shop is still there.
Let's get some freshm posts...more and new memories!!
Rifkin, Abbe (Logan) - - Miami
Beach H.S. - Class of 1974
living in Pembroke Pines, FL. I attended PS 176 and IS 59.
Rindner, Robin (Romeo) - - H.S. of
Art & Design - Class of 1971
Currently living in Huntington, NY. Website:
Robertson, Philip - - Jamaica H.S. -
Class of 1971
P.S. 156 alum, years 1963-1965
Rosen, Leslie - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class
of 1970
Currently living in Syosset, NY. By the way, the Leslie Rosen reported
dead in the early 1970s wasn't me. I swear.
Rosen, Susan (Deith) - - Oceanside H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in New York, NY. Hello Fellow Laureltonites. I have so many
fond memories of growing up in Laurelton. It has been wonderful catching up with
people through the website!
Rosenberg, Robin (Spence) - - Oceanside
H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in
Lewisburg, WV. I went to PS 156
from 61-65. I lived at 134-53 229th street. Thanks for continuing
this web site. My comments from the old site are as follows.
Gee...everybody has said so much already. I lived at 229th street right
off Merrick Road 134-53 to be exact, the corner house. I lived there
from 1961-1965 From there we saw people..especially the old zaideh (sp)
walking to the Young Israel everyday. We went to LJC, and saw Bobby
Kennedy speak there one day, which was VERY exciting. I remember Mrs.
Anderson, my second grade teacher, as well as Miss Cernese, and my very
favorite teacher of all time Mrs. Aberle.
Relatives of mine owned Marder's. I loved Stanley's, and the movie
theatre on Saturdays, where you paid 50 cents and stayed all day. The
pizza parlor was right next door. Shari's had the best charlotte russes'.
I can still taste them.
I am looking for Andrea Miller, whom I went to school with until the end
of fifth grade when she started Parochial School. She lived "way on the
other side of town" near the LIRR. My cousin Paula Kazdon lived a few
doors down from me and if anyone is looking for her contact me.
I also remember having a savings account where I gave a dime or a
quarter each week. Was it the Dimes Savings Bank? When I moved I
received about 25 or 30 dollars. And remember Mother's Day Plant Sales?
I wonder how many years I brought a quarter in and got a begonia for my
mom. I am also still looking for Andrea Miller. Please let me know if
you know where she is. Thanks.
Rosenthal, Don - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Rochester, NY. I attended P.S. 156, J.H. 59, and
Springfield Gardens H.S. I lived at 139-47 227St. I attended Young
Israel's Hebrew School Program, and belonged to "Cityline" Chapter of
AZA of BBYO. I miss the Laurelton years and would love to hear from old
friends and acquaintances! Just thinking out loud...I'm wondering
how many might attend a "Laurelton" Reunion? I mean a Reunion, like this
FACEBOOK "I Grew Up In Laurelton, New York Group" Reunion, of anyone through the
generations who lived and had fond memories of Laurelton. Perhaps even held in a
park in LAURELTON! Maybe even a bring your own picnic food kind of thing so that
the expense and planning would be at a...minimal. I see a multi purpose...1) to
reunite on the home turf of people that you knew and, 2) to acquaint yourself
with new friends that you have met via your participating in this internet
group, and who knows, even a 3) meet "new" people who share a common living
experience and history of a special geographic area.
Okay, I am the Administrator of the FACEBOOK Group Called "I Grew Up in
Laurelton" Group. We have over 1,300 members at this time and growing. I have
been called a dreamer before, like when I began this "I Grew Up In Laurelton,
New York" Group that now has 1,282 members, and growing every day! Just think,
even current residents of Laurelton would qualify! What a powerful message that
would send about how former residents feel about their community, as well. Let
me know what you think and if you would be interested or not?
Rothbard, Susan (Smadja) - - Hewlett H.S. -
Class of 1978
Currently living in Moshav Shoresh, Israel. Just got in touch with friends from
1966-72 PS 156 on Facebook. I just found this site when looking up the page I
set up on Facebook "P.S. 156 Laurelton, Queens 1960-1975." When I have time I
look forward to reading all the memories. I lived on 233rd street and have three
older brothers; Alan (born 1951), David (1952) and Howard (1959). My parents.
Vivian and Alex, were very involved in LJC and boy scouts. My Uncle Jay and Aunt
Elaine lived on Francis Lewis Blvd and had two boys, Richie and Gary.
Rothkopf, Joseph - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1970
Hi all- lived across from the LJC, on 228th St. Currently living in Colorado
Springs, CO. Been living in Colorado for 15 years and tell my new family all
about what a real small town is really like- slice of pizza and soda for a
quarter, going into stores on Merrick blvd where they really did know your name.
It's nice reading through and seeing names of friends I haven't seen forever. I
am in NY every couple of weeks. If anyone remembers me, send me an email or
call- would love to hear from you by phone: 720-201-1169
Rubin, Steven - -
Stuyvesant H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Great Neck, NY. Relative to the map of Merrick Blvd. stores,
my recollection is that the Bohack was 223rd St., not as is currently listed.
Also, on the southwest corner of 228th St. was "Mr. Ed's", a luncheonette owned
by the D'Argenio's of 227th St. (Richard was SGHS 1970; younger brother Steve
was three years later).
Schacket, Robyn (Shanti) - - Douglas MacArthur H.S.
- Class of 1977
I went to PS 156 and IS59 and lived at 133 and 227th just off Merrick Blvd.. My
family moved to Wantagh when i was in 8th grade, went to SUNY Oneonta and have
been living in Portland, OR for the past 25 years as a DJ on Public Radio
station until xmas of 08 and love living in Oregon. I have great memories of
Laurelton and its been a blast reconnecting with many folks I went to school
with. Would love to hear from old friends!
Scher, Debbie (Sheffrin) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Somerset, NJ.
Schiffer, Elysa (Kritz) - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1975
Currently living in Little Neck,
Schiffer, Gary - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class
of 1971
Currently living in Columbus, OH. I lived at 135-11 225th St, My neighbors were
Jeff Zipstein, Jeff Blumenfeld, Elliot Schwartz, Roy Artsman, Susan Schwartz and
Margie Hailey. My sister is Lisa Schiffer Kritz.
Schneider, Miriam (Wahrsager) - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1973
Currently living in Hewlett, NY. I lived in Rochdale & went to PS 30, IS 72 &
SGHS. Most of my friends were from Rosedale and Laurelton; Terri S., Jackie M.,
Susan D. - all the cool guys with houses! I am seeking Barry Rosenberg, SGHS
class 0f '73. He was from Rochdale. I remember Pizza King and walking down
the condiut to cut with everyone. I still have my POW bracelet.
Schulkind, Richard - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Hi ALL: I have kept in touch with a few of you, very infrequently admittedly.
Hal Smollar is one of the few I visit at times in Florida. I will try to post
more at some time but a short what's going on good news and bad.
Married and living in Sharon Ma since 1978. Two children - Lisa, an
Economics graduate of Union College, economist for 2 years at now
going for her PhD. in Economics at UC Davis in CA; Matthew, a Computer Science
graduate of Columbia University now working for Google in NYC. No snow to
shovel at the moment (June :-) ) Mother (Pearl) doing well and lives in
Natick, MA and my sister Judy lives with her family in NH. Getting back in
touch with friends and collegues. Fly RC helcopters (still taking a crash
course but getting there).
Family spread out too thin with daughter in CA, Son in NY and closest friends in
Fl and NY. Father (Herbert Schulkind) passed away January 8th, 2008.
Miss the old days :-( More to come....
Schwartz, Elliot -
- Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1974
Currently living in Holbrook, NY.
It's been a long time - that's for sure. I have mostly sweet memories of
Laurelton. I do remember how the Laurelton theater used to give out the
multi- colored postcards and post the winning "color" in the ticket
booth, offering free admission to the movies for the Saturday matinee.
I remember going to Helen and Sam with my good friend, Jeffrey Zipstein,
and ordering a cherry coke. Sam got furious at Helen because he claimed
that the cherry syrup should not be given for free since it cost them
and how he felt that she should charge us two or three cents more than
for a regular coke.
I remember punch ball at 156 - not that I ever could play - and I
remember that the two best punchball players were Scott Surrey and the "Punchball
King," Danny Kramer. Stickball, punchball and Bungalow Bar (which tasted
like "tar" for some reason).
I remember assemblies with white shirts and red ties, singing "What
Makes a Good American" in the 156 auditorium. I remember Mr. Gambino and
Mr. Noble's "A Christmas Carol," which he put on EVERY year. I remember
Mr. Meehan at JHS 59. He had written a play that satirized the school
administration. Our English class practiced and practiced and then the
administration cancelled it. We sang "I am the very Model of a Junior
High School Principal" and that was not to the principal's liking.
I remember working on cars in Roger Goldstein's driveway (I even did my
brakes- with some help of course.) I remember the track "perverts" and
our gambling casino which we set up in the basement.
I remember buying pizza at Carmine's and Tony's with the money I got by
having Jeff do my haircuts. I remember Woolworth's where I bought my
copy of Seargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. I remember Good
Food, a grocery/supermarket which offered Kosher food. I remember
working at the plastic slip cover place- who the heck uses plastic slip
covers now!???
I remember seemingly perfect summer days that dragged on as I sat on the
curb with my friends and made dams to stop the water as it flowed into
the sewer. I remember the early dismissals for "religious instruction."
I remember the kosher egg rolls at the Laurelton Deli, prepared without
pork and so offbeat. I remember egg creams and malteds and wax lips and
wax coca cola mini-bottles that contained an unidentifiable colored
liquid. I remember Lik-A-Maid and Turkish Taffy and the dot candy that
came on strips of paper and I remember feeling that having 50 cents was
enough to buy so much candy that I might burst.
I remember Halloweens where block after autumn block were filled with
houses with treasures and possibly apples with raiser blades in them.
I remember being in the Mop Tops with Richard D'Argennio and Barry
Crackow and Jeff Zipstein and going from class to class with absurd mop
like wigs. I played the accordion and took lessons from Mr. Pendle. His
son Vinnie was a musician.
I remember my great friend Harold Gendelman moving to Woodmere and I
remember his murder at the age of 35 when a criminal robbed his store in
Middletown, new York.
I remember art with Mr. Berman, music with Mr. Antosofski and English
with Ms. Sullivan, who got me my first teaching job. I remember "Brainfield
Gardens High School" and the valedictorian's attack on Polatnick and his
long, nasty rebuttal. I remember thinking prom was corny and the prom
was cancelled at Springfield because many other students agreed.
I remember a Laurelton that was the ideal neighborhood in which to grow
up and how that small town existence no longer exists anywhere in New
York City.
I remember going on my first date ( a blind date with Bonnie Colman set
up by Laurie Cutler and Joel Gallay) which evolved into my current
marriage which now approaches the 30 year mark.
I remember Laurelton and the memories live in me like a light that
shines with purity and awe.
Schwartz, Kenny - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Palmetto Bay, FL. I would love to find Joey
Parminteri (3 or 4 ave's North side of Merrick Rd and around 234 Street
if anyone can help!!!! He last lived in Baldwin Long Island. Thanks In
Schwartz, Larry - - Jamaica H.S. - Class
of 1976
Greetings! Larry Schwartz here. Now living in Miami & Key Largo. Born
(1959) and raised in Laurelton. We lived at 133-06 229 Street from
1958-1976. My parents (Esther and Milton) purchased the house for
$15,800 and the mortgage was $100/mo. Older brother Kenny living in
Miami and sister Judy still living in New York. I went to PS 156, IS 59,
Jamaica High, Queensboro CC and Baruch College. After graduating in
1980, I moved to Florida and started a courier business in 1981. I
married a wonderful woman and we have two boys 13 & 14 years old. I
noticed posts from Andy Blumenthal and Allen Zimmerman who I keep in
touch with from time to time. I also keep in touch with Larry Ribler,
Lee Heiman and occasionally hear from Gerry Antel. It would be great to
hear from old friends and neighbors. There is no other place in the
world like the "Old Laurelton". If you find a place like it, let me
know. If you remember me, shoot me a quick e-mail to say hi... I would
love to hear from you. Skip, nice job with the website. Wishing you all
the best, Larry Schwartz
Schwartz, Michael - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Monroe, NY. Have fond memories of growing up in
Laurelton. My family were members of Temple Beth-El (we lived across the
street), I was in the boy scouts, and went to P.S. 156, J.H.S. 59, and
Andrew Jackson High School. It's almost like a Twilight Zone
episode to read everyone's memories of Laurelton, Merrick Blvd., punch
ball, Chinese restaurants, the bagel shop, stoop ball, etc. etc. etc.
Thanks for the memories! Web Site:
Schwartz, Phyllis (Klughaupt-Becker) - - Yeshiva High
School of Queens - Class of 1970
Currently living in Raanana, Israel. Wow. I wrote a long memory and it all
disappeared before I got to send it off. We lived at 135-34 231st Street and I
have wonderful memories. My dad and our family catered lots of bar mitzvahs and
assorted parties from anniversary's to mortgage burnings. My best friends were
Goldie Jochnowits, Janet Silverstein and Jackie Fried. Also Judy Storch, Mona
Rutta and Helen G. The Thum family on 234th were like family and we are still
close. I lived in Laurelton from 1952-1972 and played with Patty and Joanie who
were Catholics and Robin and Ellen who were conservative Jews and my other
friends were all the orthodox kids from Young Israel of Laurelton.
Schwartz, Renee - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Plantation, FL
Schwartz, Susan (Arthur) - - Springfield Gardens H.S. -
Class of 1972
Currently living in Holbrook, NY.
Schwarz, Larry - - Eron Preparatory School - Class
of 1971
Currently living in South Jordan UT. I lived in Laurelton as a very young boy
from birth in 1952 to the fall of 1958.I do have very fond memories of those
early years. I remember Woolworths, Raabs Lunchonette, and Teddys Lunchonette. I
remember a Jewish deli and a butcher, but can not recall the names of these
businesses. Does anyone remember Shultze's Candy Store on the corner of Merrick
Rd. and 229th St.? I lived at 130-28 229th St. Would love to hear from others
and share our memories.
Shapiro, Gayle (Windham) - - Bellmore Kennedy
H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Melville, NY. Where are all my girlfriends that i had
slumber parties with? Would love to hear from you! I moved to Long island when I
was about 12 or 13. I have a lot of fond memories. Laurelton was a great place
to grow up and call "Home"
Shapiro, Janet (Maday) - - PS 132 -
Class of 1974
Currently living in Belle Haven,
VA. Laurelton Address: 131-30 225th Street LA5-3643 Neighbors:
Nagelberg, Zucker, Drosin, Lipari, Penn. Would love to hear from old
Shapiro, Pam (Beckerman) - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. - Class of 1972
Living in Stony Brook, NY; would love to hear from all my old
friends.............MISS U GUYS!
Shaw, Linda - - North Miami Beach H.S. -
Class of 1976
Currently living in Cincinnati OH. I left Laurelton in 1973 to finish H.S. and
college in FL but went to P.S. 156 and then I.S.59 through SP 7th grade. My
brother Larry graduated from Andrew Jackson and Fred from Springfield Gardens
High. We lived down the block from Manny and Zelda's on 234th St. and forever
miss Capri Beach Club!
Shedrick, Mike - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1977
Currently living in Columbia, SC. Moved to Laurelton - 232nd St. in 1970 across
the street from Temple Beth-el. Anybody remember House of Chang, Grand Union,
Martin Paints, Stanleys on 230th and Merrick, George Record Store aka The Weed
Spot, Chicken Delight, and Laurelton Little League parades down Merrick to
Montebello Park?
Shunfenthal, Ilene (Watrous) - - Stuyvesant H.S. - Class of
I would like to find out about people who attended PS 156 and IS 59 with
me. I lived on 223rd street and would have attended Springfield Gardens
High. I lived in Laurelton from 1956-1979. Website:
Silverman, Karen (Stavis) - - Springfield Gardens
H.S. & Lawrence H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in North Woodmere, NY. How can any of us describe how wonderful
Laurelton was? I lived at 134-37 227th St. right down the block from Carmines
Pizza (50¢ for 2 slices and a coke) and around the corner from the Laurelton
Movie Theatre. My parents moved from Laurelton to North Woodmere when I was in
11th grade at Springfield HS. My sister Marsha and I still talk about all the
fun times. I can remember creating an outdoor home on the island on 228th St.
near Ellen Bindler's house. How independent we were taking buses and trains all
over NYC. Yes...Mrs. Krantz was the best!! She went to college with my
grandmother, so I called her Aunt Ruth!!. During the teacher strike, she held
classes in her basement. Would love to hear from fellow Laureltonians.
Simon, Steve - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1970
Simonoff, Jeffrey - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1972
Living on Long Island for 21 years. Lots more details and memories can be found
in my 2005 post in the "Memories of Laurelton" page of this site.
Singer, Franci (Kaufman) - - Hillcrest H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Chestnut Ridge, NY.
Singer, Harvey - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class
of 1973
Currently living in Levittown, NY.
Sklersky, Joan (Resnick) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1970
I am a Jan 70 graduate of AJHS. Lived in DC for many years. Now I am in
Princeton , NJ since 1992. Just got onto this site very cool. I am in touch with
many of my high school and even nursery school friends. Feel free to email
Slade, Geraldine (Auger) - - Schreiber H.S. - Class
of 1976
Currently living in Wildwood, MO.
Slotkoff, Michele (Berkowitz) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1970
Currently living in Holland, PA. I found this site purely by chance and
I'm just having the best time reading everyone's profiles. The memories
are flooding back. I hope this site keeps on growing and growing. Thanks
for the great memories
Smolen, Deborah - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1973
Currently living in East Meadow, NY. We lived on 138th Ave. between 226 & 227th.
Attended PS 156, IS 59, and Springfield Gardens H.S.
Solomon Marcia - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Thank you so much for this web site. I remember walking over the 226th
St bridge, through the underpass (which was quite scary I might add) and
attending the dances at the Laureltn Jewish Center. I lived on 231st in
Rosedale, but most of my friends lived in Laurelton so that is where I
spent most of my chidhood. Steven Maller lived across the street from me
and we developed a good friendship back then. Ronnie Blumberg (Spector)
was one of my closest friends, along with Marcia Schwartz and Avis
Greenblatt. There are so many people that I would love to be in contact
with, and hope I hear from you soon. I and have two wonderful sons, and
two beautiful granddaughters. I'm currently living in Port Charlotte
Florida, and own a distribution company that sells exotic animals to pet
stores throughout Florida and the United States. I am so excited about
this site!
Solomon, Pamela (Kleinmann) - - Ft. Lauderdale H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Boca Raton, FL. I moved to Laurelton when I was 3. I
lived on 228th & Bet. 144th and 145th Ave. I had a lot of friends from
Laurelton & Rosedale. I went to P.S. 156 for Kindergarten, P.S. 137 (the
little red school house with 6 rooms, of which I have pictures of
somewhere), then P.S. 181 (which became the "new" school), Tri-Comm. JHS
231 & then SGHS. I had gotten married in 1976 and moved back to NY.
Unfortunately, every time we had to fly out of Kennedy airport with
friends or family, my husband would announce " oh no, here comes the
'tour'" and I would point out every time (and still do if I am in NY)
the street I lived on, 231 and SGHS. I wish kids, nowadays grew up like
I did, outside either playing stick ball, punch ball, or just sitting on
the "stoop" just hanging out. Nowadays, the kids don't leave the house.
They just sit alone, on computers. They don't play with imagination
anymore. I remember my friends and I used to sing in front of the
mirror, of course with the window opened, and pretend we were the
Supremes. I moved to FL. the summer of 1969, after my freshman year at
Spero, Howie - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
What great memories growing up in Laurelton. After graduating SUNY Buffalo in
1975, I headed west and eventually landed in California. I've been teaching at
UC Davis since 1990. It's great to see names of old friends I haven't spoken to
in 40 years.
Steingold, Marshall - - The Highland
School - Class of 1974 Website:
I grew up at 121-59 234th St. with my sister Laura and two great parents, Jay
and Rita. Walked to school at P.S. 176Q. Bar Mitzvah was at Temple Beth-El.
First job was delivering chicken dinner at Chicken Delight. I was a paperboy for
the New York Post. Best friends with Barry Koch, David Berger, Jay Kates, Elliot
Levy, Joseph Rosenberg, Barry Abess, Mitchell Rolnick, Michael Stoloff and so
many more great kids. Went to University of Miami. BA and MA Communication.
Currently reside in Miami with my wife and two great kids. Advertising and
publishing business:
Would love to hear from anyone from those great days in Laurelton!
Stikar, John - - Pennsylvania high school - Class of
Currently living in Albuquerque, NM. I grew up in Rosedale from 1954 to 1971. I
attended PS 156 (my favorite school to this day), graduating in 1965. I attended
JHS 231 and then Aviation HS, Springfield Gardens HS, and finally Pittston Area
HS near Wilkes-Barre, PA. There are many people I remember from PS 156. I
remember punchball and handball in the schoolyard, a neighbor who ownded a 1957
Thunderbird, being sent by Ms. Gale to Mr. Kiley's office to find out if rumors
about Pres. John F. Kennedy's being hurt were true, and much more.
Strauss, Diane - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1974
Wow, who even knew that there was a Laurelton website? Stumbled upon it
by accident and I am thrilled. Am actually living 10 minutes away from
my "old" best friend Judy Schwartz who I am meeting for coffee the
minute I get out of work. Sent emails to a bunch of others. This
is the coolest thing. I hope to keep in touch with everyone from here on
out and re-connect with all the others. Am living in South Setauket with
my two youngest children (the two oldest have already flown the coop)
and I would love to hear from whoever remembers me.
Strom, Madeleine (Glick) - - Andrew Jackson H.S - Class of 1970
Surry, Scott - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1970
Currently living in Glen Oaks, NY
Trufelman, Lloyd - Great
Neck South H.S. - Class of 1975 - Updated October 29, 2020
Currently living in Westchester. Now that I’m getting older, I wonder if Carmine’s slogan, “Eat Our Pizza and You’ll Live to 100 Years” was true..!
Turk, Merri (Lasky) - - John F. Kennedy
Bellmore - Class of 1973
Currently living in Plainview, NY.
Upshur, Bryan - - Springfield H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Florence, SC.
Walsh, Laura - -
Oceanside H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Baldwin, NY.
Watsky, Craig - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Chicopee, MA.
Weber, Joi (Margolis) - - JFK H.S., Bellmore - Class of 1973
Currently living in Merrick, NY. HI everyone! I am so happy that because of this
Laurelton website, I was able to reconnect with many people! I found one of my
"childhood" friends, Wendi Haas. Such fond memories of Laurelton-thats where i
met my husband Barry; childhood sweethearts and 34 years married; two children.
Weinblatt, Charles - - Springfield
Gardens H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Boynton Beach, FL. I lived on 228th St just across from PS
156 for approx. 20+ yrs from '62-82/83. I have lived in Florida ever since with
a short stop in L.A. back in 80-81. I get back to NY at least twice a year and
have been back to my old house a few years ago. I can't tell you the pleasure I
had in seeing the neighborhood so well kept. It looked as good or better than I
remembered! Summer days hanging out at Sal's (the old Burt and Daves)and the
school yard (or the park as my gang called it). Anybody remember me? The wild
bunch...Gary Agin, Leslie Pestaina, (I see you Les) Andy Cassel, Alan
Feigenbaum,and on and on....Chris Policano, Peter Constantine,..hit me up if
you're there.
Weinblatt, Robert - - Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Albuquerque, NM.
Weinreb, Robert - - Lynbrook H.S. - Class of
Currently living in East Islip, NY
Weinstock, Deborah (Nulman) - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1972
Curretly living in Potomac, MD. Have been back in the states for past
three years. Lived in Jerusalem, Israel with husband Mark and 4 children
since 1988, would love to hear from fellow classmates
Weiss, Steven - - Jamaica H.S. - Class of 1974
Now living in Atlantic Highlands, NJ; age 52 at this writing (May 2008); systems
engineer for a major manufacturer and seller of office automation equipment and
electronics. I used to live on 230th Street, between 133rd Avenue and Merrick
Blvd. My parents are Ernest and Clara (deceased); older brothers Ernie and
Artie; older sister Rose; and younger sister Helene. You may remember my
father--he taught Sunday schoool at Temple Beth El. After a day at PS 156, I'd
go to Hebrew school at the LJC. Remember Max Dunetz, and Mrs. Ciner? Remember
Junior Congregation?
Incredibly happy to have found this web site!
White, Barbara - - Bushwick H.S. - Class of 1976
Currently living in Cape Coral, FL. I worked for the great Dr. Philip Clifton on
227th and Merrick.
White, Eileen - -
Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in Southampton, NY. Any St. Mary Magdalene alumni out there?
White, Lezli - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in Corning, NY. Thank you for creating this site. So
much of my formation and foundation came from PS 156. My first violin
lessons and my teachers: Mrs. Schwartz, Miss Trusty and Mrs. Parver....
a very special and challenging time. Thanks for the memories. Website:
Williams, Michael -
- Springfield Gardens H.S. - Class of 1979
Currently living in Elgin, SC.
Wissner, Elizabeth (Gross) - - Great Neck South
H.S. - Class of 1971
Currently living in
Great Neck, NY. Thanks for doing the Laurelton website. It's great
reading about all the people I remember from my childhood. My family
moved from Laurelton after 5th grade. Nowadays, I'm an author and
education advocate...I was in classes at PS 156 with Dexter Diaz, who
also became an author. Just to update my address: I'm in the process of
moving from New Hyde Park to Great Neck. I also have a weekend
home in Bloomfield, CT.
Woda, Barry - - Valley Stream South H.S. -
Class of 1977
Currently living in Oceanside, NY. I found this site by accident.
Looking at the names stated a flood of memories comming back to me. I
was born in Laurelton in 1959 and lived there till 1975. My family was
active in the Laurelton Jewish Center. I went to P.S. 156, I.S. 59 and
Jamaica High School for 2 years then we moved to Lynbrook. How I
remember the A&P and Grand Union and Woolworths and Stanley's and
Murray's candy store and La Tosca Pizza. I would love to hear from
anybody was in Troop 225. my parents were friends with the Atlas and
Pearls and so many others. and we lived next to the Schwarts on 232 St.
I can still remember my brothers playing handball on the side of the
House of Chang and the Memorial Day parades.
Zee, James - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1974
Currently living in Hicksville, NY.
Zetlin, Elaine (Lotfi) - - Jericho H.S. -
Class of 1971
Currently living in Jericho, NY. Left Laurelton in 1964. Had the best
time growing up there. Missed going out to play with my friends on the
block (Can Marcia come out and play??) Lived at 131-11 222 St. LA
8-0741. Danced around the May Pole at PS 132. Bought Good Humor from
Andy the Panda. (and yes, Bungalow Bar tastes like tar). Always consider
myself a Laurelton kid.
Zimmerman, Allen - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1975
I have been living in Ft. Lauderdale, FL since '76. WOW! so bitter
sweet. The greatest town and we didn't realize it. I moved to Laurelton
the fall of '67 and my first walk ever was to the store in the most
beautiful town ever built to get a bottle of soda and on the way back
Stanley and his dog were sitting on a crate. I went in and bought 2
lolli's and a pack of baseball cards for 9 cents, I only had 7 and
Stanley said bring it next time. I lived at 130-61 230 St. I went
to Jackson and graduated in '75' and spent all my time in the gym
playing and was on the teams so my grades stayed in the D range just
like in P.S.156 and I.S. 59. Best day ever was the party at the
Schwartz's house on 229 St.
I played in the little league, went to the LJC, was in Troop 225 and
there is a website scoutingwithtroop225. It was a Jewish little league
but I pitched against Cardozzo in H.S. 2 days in a row and beat them
even though they almost never lost.
I was a D student at best with a couple of C's during the way and headed
into trouble in the mid 70's but now I am a successful Stockbroker and
Comedian and I have a great son named Jason Zimmerman, b. 1989.
I still hang around all summer and go to the park where I live everyday
to play Basketball, baseball and run track. I have hundreds of pictures
of me on my website and that's my real hair btw. I told Mr. Noble I
wouldn't lose it.
I have the best memory in the world, people mention it to me all the
time and if I knew you then I still remember all we did. I still am in
touch with a few but had some great friends back then, the Scher's,
Ponemon's, Miltz's...
I sent a couple of emails out to a couple on here but being busy I will
catch up in the summer. Speaking of summer, my how great were the
summers in Laurelton playing at 156, and knowing all the stores on
Merrick (Stanley's, Tony's Pizza, the movies, Grand Union and Key Food)
I did work at BAF sporting goods in 1975.
I delivered the Long Island Press for a year and remember the big
blizzard of '68'. It almost makes you want to cry thinking how great we
all had it once in a town that we hope to all live in again in heaven
even with Stanley's dog. Personally, my thanks to Bernard Miltz and
Cantor Kinus and his TNT club at the LJC for helping me grow into a
I always brag about this being the best website on the internet. It
makes you so happy and sad at the same time. My email address is
& Thank You Skip
Zucker, Marshall - - Springfield H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Wantagh, NY