Alpert, Seymour - - Brooklyn Tech -
Class of 1946
Currently living in Los Altos, CA.
Alman, Martin - - Far
Rockaway H.S. - Class of 1948
Currently living in Aventura, FL.
Biderman, Helen (Weisberg) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1948
Currently living in Boynton Beach FL. Who is left from 1948? I traveled on the
LIRR with so many people. I bet some are living right near me now.
Buillder, Bob - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Boca Raton, FL. Lived at 230-02 139th Ave. Went to
Brooklyn Tech and graduated from Far Rockaway. Winter in Boca Raton, FL summers
in Asheville, NC. Spend my time on the golf course and with photography.
Passable with both. I stay in contact with a few old friends from Laurelton.
Anyone out there - call or email!
Cohn, Gloria (Garfinkel) - - West Hempstead ,
NY - P.S. 156 -
Class of 1942 - Updated June, 2012
Currently living in West Hempstead, NY. I lived at 134-56 231st. Street
and Irwin lived at 130-42 229th Street. Graduated Far Rockaway High School
in 1946. Married 63 years on Sept 11...7 grandchildren and 1 and a half
great-grandchildren. Also would like to contact Larry Kandel (sister I
think was Patricia), Richard April, Howard Goldston, Chauncy Grey, Beverly
Schatzberg Husband Irwin's brother is Burton Garfinkel.
Curtis, Don - - Cherry Creek H.S. - Class of 1942
Currently living in Toano, VA. We moved to 134-36 233rd St on 5/28/1928 and
lived there until moving to upstate NY on 11/27/1941. I was in the
seventh term at Andrew Jackson HS, planning to graduate with the class of 1942
but the move changed that. Instead I graduated from Cherry Creek HS (NY) in
June, 1942.
After I found this web site, I mentally constructed an article about my days in
Laurelton, at PS 156 and at Andrew Jackson in those days. I once wrote a paper
about The Valencia theatre in Jamaica describing the "Palace" type of ornate
theatres built just prior to the advent of talkies.
Reading some of the remembrances on this site, I well remember Jake, "The
Gypper" who ran the bicycle shop on Merrick Road. Also the Herman Brothers who
ran Twin Ponds gas station, the Enslers drug store, Max's Dairy store and
Sterry's Bar (with live entertainment Friday and Saturday nights), Capt.
Engerer's Lion Taming Circus and his next door neighbor John, the Ice & Coal
yard. I went to school with one of the Schmidt boys whose family owned the
operating farm across Merrick Road. And on and on.
Thanks for the opportunity to write. I'll have to make a list of my friends and
acquaintance of the time. Perhaps some will be remembered by others.
Curtis, Diane (Marcou) - - P.S. 156/Pine Valley Central H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Saint Petersburg, FL. Lived at 134-36 233d St. in Laurelton
from 1932 (b.d.) to 11/27/41 when we moved to Western, NY south of Buffalo.
Remember with great fondness kids on the street, viz., BOBBY CAESAR, ELSIE
NELSON, FREDDIE and LORETTA ANDERSON (they all went to P.S. 138). And DORIS
barber on Merrick Rd.)and SHELDON SHULEVITZ (sp?) whose father might have also
been a barber, and BILLY and JEANNIE REISS (sp?) and ALBERT and BOBBY KOEHLER
(sp?). My teachers at 156 were Mrs. REDDY and MISS BEATTY in Kindergarten, MRS.
LEE from 1A,1B,2A & 2B, MISS REID in 3A, MRS. WEINGARTEN 3B, and then I skipped
to 4B which was taught by MRS. ROSENTHAL. MR. BARON was principal and there was
a vice principal by the name of LUCY some-one. Our classes were only in the
afternoon. MRS. LEE, (Bessie S. Lee), was the greatest teacher in the world and
encouraged me always to be a writer. She was killed in an automobile accident
while in Italy in 1949, the year I graduated high school.
Thank you so much for this site which I just found tonight. My 78th birthday is
next Tuesday (June 29) and when I was in Laurelton I had the best birthday
parties! (Just remembered NICHOLAS and MARIGOLD, bro. and sister, but not their
Greek last name.) They came to my parties. When and if I find pics of Laurelton
and my friends I will upload. BTW, does anyone remember Capt. Engerer's circus
on Merrick Rd. Or Ensler's Drug Store. Or Pfeffer's and three-cent sodas? And
what about Jake the Gyp, and Mansley's Radio Shop? God! I could stay up all
night with what this site has started! Thanks again for letting me reminisce.
What a BD present!
DiPaola, Albert - - St. John's Prep - Class of 1940
Currently living in Rosedale , NY
Dworkin, Maxine (Bernstein) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1948
Currently living in Buskirk, NY. Some wonderful childhood memories. I moved to
California in 1948, returned east a lot of years ago. I have 3 sons and 3
grandchildren. I am particularly looking for my FRHS best friend, Naomi Gang.
Engerer, Frederick - - Valley
Stream Central H.S. - Class of 1945
Currently living in Vista, CA. Is there anybody that still remembers Capt.
Engerer's WILD animal circus ? It was preformed every Sunday afternoon during
the summer months. The years were about 1935 - 1939. After that he went on the
road with the circus. The 223rd St. on Merrick Road site was also a large dog kennel, for
boarding and training dogs. Schmidt's farm was just east of the site.
The address was 223rd street on Merrick Road. Capt. Engerer was billed as the
"World's only one armed lion trainer." The cats killed him in 1964 during a show
in North Carolina. The Captain was my uncle. I was about 11 years old when my
folks moved to Valley Stream around 1940. I did attend P.S.156 as a kid, did
some fishing in twin ponds and took some tomatoes from Schmidts farm without
Updated August, 2012 - Hi Skip, I have not been in contact with you for several years. Since the new publication of the book about Laurelton, have there been any folks who've contacted you who lived in Laurelton in the 1930s or early 1940s? I just visited my cousin, Ernest Engerer, this past May. He lives in Elmont , and is doing great at age 92. I am pushing 84 next year. Laurelton - 1929 - 1940 then to Valley Stream . Fred Engerer
Enteen, Alice (Learman) - - Far
Rockaway H.S. - Class of 1948
Currently living in Ridgefield, CT. It was great to see the names of a number of
people I remember. Have visited Laurelton recently and it looks wonderful.
Ergas, Ruth (Pollack) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Santa Monica, CA. I lived on 137th Ave. and 230th St. Went
to PS 156; graduated in 1945 and FRHS in 1949. Would love to hear from friends
from Laurelton. We had a club called THE LINGERNOTS-would love to find old
Frank, Robert - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1948
Currently living in West Hempstead, NY.
Friedman, Sheila (Butler) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1949
There are not any of us left from
1949. I hope to find a few classmates who might have lived in Far Rockaway and
Laurelton as I did in those days. Elementary School 104 in Bayswater and when we
moved to Laurelton I took the LIRR to Far Rockaway H.S. I have found Elane
Merberg Mathews and Carol Zuckerman, and Marilyn Mazarin Tasman, and Minna and
Joe Rosen but that is all. What happened to Arthur Okun from Bch 19th St. and
Arnold Berlin from F.R. and Bob Friedman and Jerry Friedman from Laurelton,
Stanley Malkin from Rosedale and Roz Cohen and so many others? We had a
wonderful childhood growing up. Great Times and great friends. I would love to
find someone who might remember me. Edna Gottlieb from Jamaica and Sarah and
Gertie Markowitz from Laurelton.
Frommer, Paul - - Stuyvesant H.S. - PS
156 Class of 1949
Currently living in Alexandria, VA. My twin
brother Alan lives in Wellesly, MA and is retired. My older brother
Herbert (PS-156: 1946) lives in Manahattan and is a professor at NYU Dental
School. I'm here in Alexandria after retiring from the US Navy "many years
Gertler, Gene - - Stuyvesant H.S. - Prescott, AZ
Goldstein, Doris (Gross) - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1948
Currently living in Jacksonville, FL.
Haves, Stuart - - James Madison H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Hallandale Beach, FL
Henkin, Sena Blatman - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1946
Currently living in North Bellmore, NY. Came to Laurelton at 3 years old -- and
loved every minute of it. I remember chasing fireflies at night -- PS 156 --
most of the teachers and all my friends too numerous to mention.
Kandel, Patricia - - Far
Rockaway H.S. - Class of 1948
Hi Helen and Far Rockaway HS Friends and PS 156... it's Pat, FRHS '48 and PS 156
'44!!! I am so happy to find this website and see what you are all up to.
Recently moved East again after 8 years north of Denver in Colorado near my son
and his extended family; now living south of Boston a few miles near another son
and his family and my daughter and her family. Please call or write me at: 235
Pond St., Apt. 112 S.Weymouth, MA 02190. I would love to catch up - great to see
all the memories we shared here!! I'm 80 tomorrow - weren't we just 18???? XO
Pat PS: Hellos and love to Phyllis Green and Jackie & David Schwartz too!!! I'm
on FB too - friend me. I go down to NYC all the time and would love to meet
anyone who is interested in getting together.
Katz, Adrienne (Greenstein) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1948
Currently living in New York, NY and wintering in Boynton Beach, FL.
I lived on 234 St and 135 Ave. I am looking for Lois Charnoff. Her father was a
dentist in town. Also a neighbor, Eleanor Wheatly, and Buddy Gross.
Katz, Howard - - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of 1944
Currently living in
New York, NY. Has been a personal connection to my past and the collective
memories of a place of grace and uncommon joy to grow up.
Kirschner, Bert - -
Brooklyn Tech - Class of 1946
Currently living in Prescott, AZ
Levy, Jan - - Far Rockaway H.S. - Class of
Hi P.S. 132 Class of January 1940 - last double class - 8A/8B. and hi Far
Rockaway H.S. Class of January 1944!
Do you remember Bohack's - Merrick Rd. 227th St. Good Will Market - 228th St.
Merrick Rd. Yes, I remember "The Itch" I had to take the soda bottles back and
use the return nickels to pay for my ticket. To FRHS on the LIRR in the smoking
car, or, of course, many mornings with Dr. Joyce Brothers (nee Bauer). I have
many more memories, but I'd love to hear from any other survivors. And thanks,
Lipson, Norman- - Andrew Jackson H.S. - Class of
Currently living in Sarasota, FL.
Lubow, Sarajane (Jane) (Schutz) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1947
Currently living in New York City. Wonderful to find this site and people who
remember the "itch" and the Valencia
theater. Great to share memories.
Maggio, Leon - - P.S. 156, Class of 1946
- Bordentown Military Inst.
Living in Shoreham, NY. I am a graduate of PS 156, Class, 1946. I was informed
of the website by a cousin of mine. After getting his note, I went in search of
my 1946 class photo. I was amazed at how many class members I can still name,
after more than 60 years.
Margolish-Wodiska, Marcia (Neiman) - - Forest Hills H.S. - Class
of 1948
Currently living in Boynton Beach, FL.The site gets better all the time. I will
try to dig up some old pictures.
McCue, John - - Holy Cross, Dunkirk, NY. - Class
of 1947
Currently living in Naples, FL. I lived in Laurelton for only one year;
1938-1939, but the memories are indelible! For example, P.S. 156 (to which we
walked, of course) and I believe my 4th or 5th grade teacher was (something
like) Ms. White or Ms. Wichel, who taught the school assembly to sing "God Bless
America," with such enthusiasm and verve that it opened a whole singing career
for me, among other things! I'm 86 now and living in Florida. There's a lot
more, but I'm just introducing myself. Whoa, Concord, CA? At least we're pretty
well spread out! Yeah, I'll be glad to contribute!
Rosenburg, Audrey (Hartman) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1947
Currently living in Boynton Beach, FL. What a wonderful idea -- the Brunch last
week at the Woodbury Country Club was a huge success and everybody had a blast!!
Unfortunately, I did not meet many people, but I hope this blog will bring in
some people from my past life in Laurelton.
Rosenberg, Lilyan (Levine) - - Forest Hills H.S. -
Class of 1948
Currently living in Pittsboro, NC. I graduated from PS 156 in 1944 and went to
Far Rockaway for 2 1/2 years, graduated from Forest Hills HS.
Saks, Alan - - Rhodes School - Class of 1949
My family moved to Laurelton in 1939, when I was 6. We first lived at 137-49-
232 Street. At age 8, I started going to the Laurelton Theater on Saturday
mornings. For 10 cents, we got a show that lasted several hours- two features
plus shorts, cartoons, serials, news, etc. My mother give me 40 cents, with 25
cents for the Chinese luncheon special and 5 cents for the tip. Lunch included:
eggdrop soup,chicken chow mein with egg roll, unlimited tea, and for dessert
either almond cookie or ice cream. All public 'phone calls were a nickel, within
NYC. Public transit was also a nickel until around 1948. Public school kids who
had to use iit got a free pass. Private/parochial schoolers bought a punch card
for $1, for 40 rides, i.e., 2.5cents per ride. Entrance to the bleachers for a
Dodgers game at Ebbetts Field was a quarter.
In 1945, we moved to 134-43 230 Street. That year, I transferred out of P.S. 156 to a private school in Flushing. Doing so cost me 1/2 year, because in those days the public schools had two grades per year, an A grade and a B grade. One had to be promoted from A to B to matriculate. And, you could start either A or B in September or February. But private schools had only one grade per year, which began in September. I had already passed 7a at the Spring term at P.S.156 but had to start 7th grade in September. But I ultimately graduated from high school at 16-1/2. Then I spent four years at Queens College and three at Cornell Law School. I married in 1956, on the day the Dodgers (my team) lost the perfect game to Don Larsen and the Yankees. For about a year my wife and I lived with my parents in Laurelton. After that, starting in 1957, we have lived in The Bronx. I have many vivid memories of P.S.156, some good, others not so good. My 2A teacher,Mrs. Emberton, felt I needed more nourishment, so she tried to force me to drink the free milk that was delivered to the school. But, because it was not kept refrigerated, it was turning green by the time it got to the classroom. She would chase me all over the room with the milk. I would even resort to climbing atop the high radiators to escape her. But she was a good soul. Sometimes I feel guilty for having crawled under her desk and tickled her legs! I also remember Mrs. Bernstein from 2B. One of my later teachers was the odd Mrs. Wenhold, always clad in purple. She had started teaching in the City of Brooklyn system before Brooklyn merged into N.Y. C. in 1898! Perhaps my most vivid memory of 156 is of Monday, 12/8/41, when we were called into the hallway to hear, over the loudspeaker, President Roosevelt's speech declaring war on Japan. Does any one out there remember me or any of what I remember? Alan Saks
Update from Alan - I
began attending P.S.156 in the Spring of 1939 in Grade 1A. The next Spring we
had to start going to the annual Arbor Day ritual, which had a rather extensive
morning program at the school garden, a fenced in area near the large playground
area on the school block. I can still sing the opening lines of the song we
sang, "Again we come this day to greet, Arbor Day dear Arbor Day,with willing
hands and nimble feet,Arbor Day dear Arbor Day...." Tradionally I started
wearing short pants around this time of year. One cold and blustery day, I
recall squirming during the celebration as the wind reached parts of my body
where it was very unwelcome. But, I have a rather fond memory of that particular
ceremony. Like other American secular devotional days, Arbor Day has not
only survived ( for almost a century and a half), it has been adopted in scores
of other nations and has spun off Earth Day. Maybe it has roots in Medieval May
Day, where the tree was symbolized by a beribboned pole. By the way, the
above song was written by Seymour S. Short, but I have been unable to google his
bio other than to pick up that someone with that name was a member of the Union
Army. Can anyone help me out with that?
Schafer, Emil - - Brooklyn Technical H.S. -
Class of 1941
Hopefully my comments get published....having a hard time with the website.
I graduated from PS 132 in 1937......have a photo of the entire graduation class
with names.....please contact if interested.
I lived in Springfield Gardens from1930 until I went to California in 1951. I
attended PS 132 (now Ralph Bunch I believe). There were several boys and girls
from Laurelton in my classes at PS 132 and some friends in Laurelton. Went to
the Laurelton Jewish Center until my bar mitzvah. One of my friends in PS 132
was Melvin Stern from Laurelton; he was one of the first killed in WWII. In my
college days, I was very much in love with a girl who lived on 135th Avenue,
near 226th St. Her first name was Marian. I certainly remember going to the
Laurelton theater and the Bingo nights there. Zuckerman' Hardware and several
other shops on Merrick Road. I went to college at Brooklyn College, commuting on
the LIRR. Later to grad school at Columbia where I lived in the grad dorm.
My family moved to Springfield Gardens in 1930 and I lived at 220-01-135th Ave.
until I left New York in 1951. I went to PS 132 in Springfield, graduated in
1937, then attended Brooklyn Tech 1937-1941. In the US Army Air Force 1942-1945
serving in India. Then Brooklyn Colleg, 1946-1949 major in physics. Then
Columbia University in NY, degree in MLS, 1949-1950.Worked at Oak Ridge National
Lab, O.R., TN for several years, then at Westinghouse Atomic Power in Pittsburg,
1955-59. Moved to San Diego, General Atomics in La Jolla, Hughes Aircraft in
Culver City, CA, head of the Elecronic Properties Information Center. Programmer
and systems analyst at University of So. Calif., seven years, then to Kaiser
Hospitals in Los Angeles at Data Base Administrator. Last job was with ITT in
Van Nuys, Ca, also as Data Base Administrator. Retired in 1988 and living
presently in Upland, CA.
While I grew up in Springfield Gardens, I knew many friends in Laurelton; my
family being one of two Jewish families in Springfield. Went to the Laurelton
Jewish Center until Bar Mitzvah. Remember Melvin Stern of my PS 132 days-- one
of the first boys killed in WWII. Was very much in love with a girl who lived on
135th Ave, near 226th St. Remember many of the shops on Merrick Road...esp
Zuckerman's Hardware, the Itch theater and bingo nights there... movies were 10
cents, later increased to 15 cents. Very little to spend on a date with 50 cents
a week allowance!
Schmidt, Elaine (Rigsby) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of Jan. 1947
Currently living in Largo,
FL. I guess this will carry Rosedale news also. I grew up on 228 st. in
Laurelton but lived on 136 Ave in Rosedale while my four children were growing
up. My husband Douglas owned a sign business on Merrick Road near Twin Ponds
Bakery. Congrats on the new site, Skip.
Shapiro, Betty (Brass) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Santa Clarita, CA. Lucky to be married for 57 years to the
guy I took to the prom. We have 4 children, a boy, a girl and twin girls and 5
grandchildren. Would love to hear from any old friends who are still around!
Shapiro, Marjorie (Shields) - - Andrew Jackson
H.S. - Class of 1942
Currently living in Boca Raton, FL.
Skapley, Evelyn (Sendecke) - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1945
Currently living in
Andover, MA.
Lived at 130-52-226th St. from 1933 to 1953. P.S. 132 until 1941; Andrew Jackson
Class of 1945. Looking for other "old-timers" from those years.
Sofarelli, John - - Andrew Jackson
H.S. - Class of 1972
Currently living in Largo, FL. I lived in Laurelton in 1936. I graduated from PS
156 in 1937. I was an original member of the Jones Boys Football Team. Maj. Bob
Fitzgerald, former "Thunderbird" Pilot was a friend and classmate of mine in
Andrew Jackson HS. I have been married to Joan Sofarelli (Carine) for 6o years.
She moved to Laurelton in 1929, Attended 156, Shimer JHS and Andrew Jackson HS,
We have several really old pictures from that era that we will gather and send
at a later date. PS Are you aware that Doctor Joyce Brothers (Bauer) also lived
in Laurelton in our timeframe?
Stein, Stuart - - Brooklyn
Tech - Class of 1947
Currently living in Ithaca, NY. I lived on the corner of 228thSt and137th Ave.
across from the Laurelton Jewish Center. I went to MIT (1947-54) after Brooklyn
Tech and have lived In Ithaca for 45 years. Now retired from Cornell where I was
a professor. Married with 4 kids and 5 grandchildren. My father owned Steinboro
Lumber on Merrick Road in Springfield Gardens.
Sternlicht, Lenore "Lee" (Lerner) - - Andrew
Jackson H.S. - Class of 1945
Currently living in West Palm Beach FL. I moved to Laurelton in 1940 and left
after marrying another Laureltonion Frank Lerner in 1949. I went to Mills
College in Manhattan and taught school for a few years. I remember some of my
old PS 156 teachers, Wenhold, Krantz, Cross and Valient. Fond memories of riding
my bike to Valley Stream State Park with my girlfriends, riding horses at
Whitey's stables. I remember being able to walk at night to club meetings and
dances without fear. Those were the good old days.
Surnamer, Honi (LeVine) - - Far Rockaway H.S.
- Class of 1947
Looking for classmates in the Boynton Beach area. Please contact me.
Looking for Bobbi Neizer Cohen, also class of '47
Tasman, Marilyn (Mazarin) - - Forest Hills H.S. -
Class of 1948
Currently living in Kennesaw, GA.
Vogel, Lois (Safran) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Tucson, Arizona and I would love to find classmates from 156
and/or Far Rockaway. There are several living in Tucson including my husband,
Richard; Stan Matlick and Iris Spatz.
Wasserman, Harriet (Feinglass) - - Far
Rockaway H.S. - Class of 1948
Currently living in Jacksonville, FL.
Zellner, Phyllis (Grotell) - - Far Rockaway H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Jericho, NY. Nice to read on a cold winter's day - to
remember our Laurelton. We moved to Laurelton in 1934. The milk was delivered by
horse and wagon...a beautiful sound to hear. We moved from Laurelton in 1968.
The jets were flying right above the house; not such a great sound.
Zuckerman, Carole (Schachter) - - Andrew Jackson H.S. -
Class of 1949
Currently living in Boynton Beach, FL. I lived at 13165 226St and loved living
there. Lost contact with a lot of people, stayed in contact with a few.