Best, Abraham - - Tilden H.S. - Class of 1938
Currently living in Lauderhill, FL. I was one of the founding members of
the Laurelton Jewish Center. I moved to Laurelton in 1951 with a wife and 2
children, Lon & Jed Best who went to Andrew Jackson H.S. Lon graduated in 1965
and Jed graduated in '69, I believe. Lon is the CEO of our construction company
in Queens,N.Y. and Jed is a pedodontist in Manhattan. I was a Little League
coach and love to hear from some of the boys who were my players. I am retired
and enjoying the good life in Ft. Lauderdale, Fl
Henkin, Annette (Laundau) - - Jamaica
H.S. - Class of 1937
Currently living in Glendale, CA